Haruto and Itsuki: Detective Data Pt.1

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Haruto and Itsuki stopped dead in their tracks. Watching on from inside the gym they crouched onto the wall, eyes just visible above the widow frame. Although Haruto's obnoxious spiky hair did give it away a little they watched on with shock.

"Did you just hear that Itsuki?!" Haruto whispered aggressively.

"Did YOU just head that Haruto?!" Itsuki whispered back.

"Did he just..."Haruto wheezed.

They both turned to look at each. Mouths wide open with shookness.

Haruto- "He has a crush."

Itsuki- "He has a crush."

Haruto- "He has a crush."

Itsuki- "He has a crush."

With smoke practically coming out of their ears, Haruto and Itsuki let go of the window sill and dropped to the floor, crouching in the corner as they murmured to each other, 'He has a crush repeatedly'.

"Hey, Mai I dropped off the letter. Are we finishing now?" Y/n called to Mai as she came into the gym.

"Her face is red..." Itsuki whispered, "Does she....!"

"No, we cant just assume, she might just be flustered. There's only one thing we can do..."

*Dramatic Anime intro*

"Its TIME FOR----" Itsuki announced.


*They strike dramatic but cheesy pose*


"Um... What are they doing?" I asked Mei and her and Yua stared confused at the two.

"Oh God..." Mei grounded, you could sense the internal face plant, "they do this stupid thing called Detective Data whenever, they think something might be going on with one of the members.

"Er...." ~Did they hear Aone?! oh no...~ "But why would they do that now?"

"Haha, I have no idea. Did Aone say something to you?" Mei laughed as she walked away to the storage room.

"Er hahah no way." ~oh nooooooo~

Haruto & Itsuki POV

"Firstly, we need to consider the evidence, Constable Itsuki"

"Of course PC Haruto. Firstly, Aone does show increased anxiety when y/n is around."

"A good start Constable Itsuki. We have knowledge Aone was very late this morning and y/n was seen coming to school, only a few minutes before Aone."

"Ah yes, very convincing evidence PC Haruto. This leads me to the next very intriguing piece of evidence. Obtained while on a stake out in the club room. Aone... has y/n textbook in his bag, along with his own- dispute saying in maths earlier today that he didn't have it. This of course leads me to the next clue. Everytime Aone sees y/n his face blushes bright red and he gets nervous. He seems even more awkward that usually."

"Ahaha, were getting closer to the answer Constable Itsuki! This of course leads us to the final and most compelling piece of evidence we have so far.... And that is that Aone was witnessed to say, and I quote. 'God, she's so cute'. I repeat. 'God she's so cute'."

"A HA! We've got him PC Haruto! All this evidence can only lead to two options. Either Aone has a crush on y/n. Or that he is a giant creep and is following her."

"Yes. Yes. Good work Constable Itsuki. We have him now!"

"But PC Harito, you know that this means. We must help Aone get the girl because let's face it. He's hopeless."

"Thank you good point Constable Itsuku. And who better to do the job than us! Thus completes this episode of-

*dramatic anime music*


"Until next time"

*strike dramatic and cheesy pose again*

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