The Third Set

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The third set started but Aone couldn't shake the burning sensation he felt under his feet, propelling him to more as aggressively as he was. Even with the coach's words ringing in his ear and the prompts from his teammates Aone couldn't shake to heat. 

"Aone shake it off we're gonna go downhill" Haruto called after Aone had jumped too early again and the spike had slipped through. 

"I know Haruto. I'm trying." Aone shouted across the court at Haruto. 

The truth was that the third set was already going downhill and Aone knew that but he was desperately holding onto it. He knew that making the stupid bet with himself would be a bad idea but he couldn't help it. He was trying to push himself not really because of the match but because of her. Y/n. He wanted so desperately to create a way to talk to her but he just couldn't do it. She was too beautiful, funny and genuine and she did it without even trying. But he had convinced himself that he wasn't good enough for her. Just because he stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the other students in the school. Plus he had a bit of a rep for being weird and awkward.  

But what Aone had forgotten was that y/n was the same. She was short, slightly chubby, clumsy and certainly wasn't popular either. But in his self-depreciation, he seemed to forget this in the heat of the match. 

--- Time Skip --- Last 10 Minutes --- 

The other team were quite a ways ahead but as long as Data kept up the pressure and didn't slip there was a small window where they could win. It would need nothing short of a miracle but Aone was determined to reach it. Like reaching up to the stars and pulling one back down to earth and he would do it all for her. Y/n.

*Whistle blow* "Data" Score; Data 10: 14

The ball kept moving, Data tech was determined to keep the ball in play, just hanging in there a little longer. The other team tried everything they could to break the rythm. 

*Whistle blow* "Data" Score Data 11:14

Pass. Pass. Set. Spike...

*Whistle blow* "Data" Score Data 12:14 

Aone was set, ~just gotta keep this up Aone. Don't even think just do it~ 

*Whistle blow* "Data" Score Data 13:14


I can't believe what I'm seeing. Data aren't letting up. I've never seen Aone's face so determined. His eyes are locked onto that ball. There is nothing else right now other than Aone. It is clear that his sudden intense focus and determination is encouraging the rest of the team, lifting morale so close to the end of the match.

*Whistle blow* "Data" Score Data 14:14

This is it all they need is one more point...

I can bearly breathe. 

~Come on Aone. You can do this~ 

*Whistle blow*

My body goes cold and I freeze. 


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