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"Y/n! You gotta get to school. God your gonna be late... Again!" 

"WhAt?!" you bolted up from your sleep, perfectly snuggled into the blankets. 

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner!"

"not my job y/n, just get to school!" 

You stormed into the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. Slightly taken aback by the chaos what was sprawled across your head. Your hair was crazy, pointing every which way exploding out from your head looking like a poodle."

Omg, wow, that's messy BUT it's clean so I don't care.

Throwing your Data Tech school uniform on, toothbrush hanging out of your mouth and the toothpaste narrowly missing your jumper vest. Rushing downstairs and collapsing onto the step you pulled your shoes up to your lap...*internal but slightly external crying* omg why can I not just have one peaceful morning. You thought as you slumped over your legs and reluctantly pulled your shoes on. Not even bothering to buckle the right shoe up you sprinted out the door.

You got to the end of the street and stopped running. You were late and school is important but really... running... it was an unnecessary evil that you would not be tempted by. Lightly out of breath you continued down the street, crossing over the road and walking along the hill on your way to Data Tech. 

Aone POV:

I was walking back from morning practice, I don't usually get to go home after morning practice on a school day but some wise guy decided to mess around and my uniform got ruined and since the school office doesn't carry any trousers that are long enough for my freak ass I have to go home to get some new ones. I was grumbling to myself as I walked along the hill and I just had to go and bump into her


You were walking in a daze, still thinking about your nice fluffy bed and the soft pillows. Nice and warmmmm. Then suddenly the flaw decided to say Hello.

"OW!" y/n wined, looking around confused.

"ER... I am so sorry" Someone mumbled but in the morning sun you couldn't quite see who it was. Letting your eyes adjust you could see the tall boy with white hair fumbling around, turning away from you and then turning back and then looking like he was about to say something and then not.

"Er... Sorry did I walk into you?" You mumbled trying to find your bag and stumble to your feat but quite unsuccessful. 

"No!" He said loudly.


"No, er sorry, You didn't walk into me. I walking into you, let me help-" He mumbled, trying to make eye contact.

"Why is your face red, are you okay?" 

"Yes! yes, I'm fine" he said crouching down to your height. 

"Oh hey, you're the volleyball player!"

Aone; shit.

"um yes, I am" he mumbled, "and you're the girl whos always late to school, right?"

Y/N; shit

"ah ah yes that would be me. Wait how come you know that?"

"My class has a window the looks at the main entrance so I always see you running into school. Sorry I don't mean to be weird or anything."

y/n; omg omg he knows me hgishgiuhre eeeee.

"No, it's not weird don't worry," you say smiling at him.

Aone POV:

Christ, she's so cute! Her smile! I can't *internal death from cuteness*

"Hey, your shoe isn't buckled properly. Let me get that for you" Really Aone 'let me get that for you?' god your so cringe.

"Oh yer, thanks. I was in a rush" you giggle softly, remembering that morning. "How come you're not at school right now?"

"Um, the guys on the team decided to mess around and my uniform got completely ruined and since you know I'm... obviously..." He said looking over at y/n, hoping that you would understand where he was going with this.

Okay no shes just staring at me blankly. 

"Since I'm a freak and I have to be so tall" he scored as he covered his face with his hands.

Y/n; freak?! If anyone calls you a freak I will fight them!!!!

"Your not a freak" you giggled slightly amused by his flustered face.

God stop giggling, your killing me. 

"Well I gotta get to school," She said springing up from the ground. Maybe with a little too much excitement as she wobbled a little when she took a step forward. "Have fun with the trousers" She called back as she carried on towards the school.

one day I will be able to speak to you properly. Hey, what's that? 

I bent down and picked it up from the ground. It was just a textbook but I opened the front page and there it was. Her name. Y/N. I looked back up to see her shuffling her way down the street, 

She will get there, maybe by lunchtime. God shes so cute. 

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