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I woke up the next day, eyes foggy, hands clammy and sprawled across the bed. The exhaustion pulled my body deeper into the bed. Oh my God, had we really won? That stupid bet I had with myself, I actually won! I couldn't believe it but the medal sitting on the nightstand confirmed what had happened yesterday. 

Although we had the tournament we still needed to be in school, although they were being lenient so I had time, I so wanted to get to school as soon as possible. I had to see her, I had finally proved to myself that I could even talk to her and that I, somehow, was going to persuade myself to tell her how I felt. 

I pulled out of bed, feeling like I was carrying three times my actual body weight. Regardless, I had to get to school, pulling one trouser leg and then the other. Grabbing my stuff, even though I didn't need any of it but I still didn't want to get in trouble even though it was not even important. 

I just got into school, pulling my feet up the many steps of the school, why is there no elevator. It's worth it anyways.

I reached the door to the classroom. I could hear the teacher droning on about maths. At least I should be sitting next to y/n. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Bowing I apologised for disrupting the lessons and glanced over to my seat, empty, and the seat next to it... empty. 

Where is she? 

"Is everything okay Aone?" the teacher asked, noticing my hesitation. I nodded and headed toward the desk. Sitting down I glanced around but I couldn't see her anywhere where was she? My stomach dropped, maybe she was ill? Had an appointment with a teacher? I had no way of knowing, it would be weird if I asked her friend, because why would I want to know? and I didn't really know anyone else I could ask. I would just have to wait till someone said something. Maybe they would say something at practice tonight. Well, it wouldn't be practice, more like a quick rundown of the game. I knew that I would be scrutinised for pushing myself and needed to not do that or... something, something. 

Great I would have to wait till after school to find out, I didn't even wanna be here. 

----time skip----

I entered the gym. No one had changed as we wouldn't actually be doing any practice it would just be a run down. 

The coach started talking and as I predicted I pushed myself too far as if he had any idea why and he wouldn't understand that I needed to. But the coach finished up and Mei still hadn't said anything about y/n, there was still no mention of her, till,

"Last message" Mei began, "y/n, has fallen ill but they helped massively with the preparations and support for the team so let's all wish her a quick and easy recovery!" 

She was okay, just ill and from the way Mei said it, noting serious or it would have been a very different tone. This also gave me an opportunity, although not how I imagined it, possibly even better. I could avoid my awkwardness if we weren't in school and this gave me that chance. 

----time skip; after school, 7 pm----

Okay the plan;

First, I ask mum if I can have some of the soup and dumplings that we had in the fridge. Check

Second, Buy flowers and chocolate, that's romantic right? people like that, y/n will like that. Check

Third, take them to y/n house and politely introduce yourself to parents and then ask to speak to y/n. 

That's the tricky part. 

Standing at the front door of her house. My hands cramped up. My heartbeat increased it almost felt like I was on the court all over again. But this time rather than trying to win all I have to do is speak to y/n, that's all I have to do. 

Knock Kock Knock.

Please answer.

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