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Shannon POV:
It has been almost 2 months since we called it quits. There was no hard feelings - it just wasn't working, I still love her with my whole heart but our split was for the best, we were going in different directions. 

Cari and I still talked, usually in the form of a phone call when one of us was bored. 

Right on cue, my phone started buzzing:

*Fletch 🌹 is calling*

"Hey, what's up" I said.

 She told me that she was walking to a meeting, and wanted company. We got onto the topic of this whole Covid-19 situation, and she said that she was heading to Florida to quarantine with her family, including Bobby (her brother) and his girlfriend. I told her that i was unsure of my plans, and that i would probably end up staying in New York, as i had no plans to go home to Texas, but New York was becoming creepy.

"You could come to Florida and quarantine with us" Fletch exclaimed questioningly.

I wasn't sure about this, we are broken up after all. But, hesitantly i agreed.

"Great, i'm heading there on Tuesday (today was Friday), hop on a flight whenever. My family love you, they'd be happy to have you stay".

I still wasn't sure this was the best idea, but I still loved her, so i want to spend as much time as possible with her, and hey, it was better than being alone right.

Cari POV:

Fuck, why did i just suggest that she quarantines with me and my family, i mean its what i want, but she's gonna think i'm an idiot. She's gonna say no, i'm just embarrassing myself here.

"Yeah, ok, that would be nice" Shannon said after a moment of silence

So that was it, it's official, I am quarantining with my ex-girlfriend... what could go wrong

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