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Shannon POV:

"Right, bed time, can you even make it up the stairs?" i said, looking at Cari who was almost passed out on the sofa

"yes, yes, all good in the hood over here, to bed we go" she replied, slurring her words.

Cari reached out for my hand and we both stumbled up the stairs to our bedroom, both equally as drunk

As i made it upstairs i flopped onto the bed, but before i had chance to close my eyes, Cari was on top of me.

She grabbed my wrists and pinned my arms above my head, kissing me passionately.

"are you sure you want to do this? Maybe we should wait till another night when we are both sober" i said, unsure of what was about to go down.

"No, baby, i want to, drunk or not, i want to"

After hearing that i flipped her so now i was on top, and started to lay kisses on her neck.

after taking of mine and Cari's tops i moved my kisses further down. luckily cari wasn't wearing and pants, only a bathing suit, which was useful for easy access.

i planted kisses below her waistline making her breath even heavier, and moving my fingers down to meet my lips.

it had been so long since we had last had sex, it was so good, better than ever before. we were both so emotional and passionate towards each other.

"I love you" Cari said after she had finished and i came to lie next to her

"i missed this, i missed you" i replied, holding her tight.

*sorry for short chapter, i don't really like writing the sex scenes, but feel they are a necessary part of the plot.

Also, we have been sat at number 12 in #Fletcher for about a week now which is insane, so thank you. Can we try and get 'The s(ex) tapes' into the top 10? Vote on every chapter, and share with friends - would be appreciated.

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