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Cari POV:

"I'm so bored. Can this quarantine be over already, i miss my friends" i said, moaning, whilst sprawled across the couch. 

"why don't you do some of those quarantine activities that are all over social media, you and Shannon could do some couples yoga in the garden" mom replied

"would love to, but i have a video to film" Shannon said, giggling, as we both know that that video would take 20 minutes to film.

"right, that's my plan then, i'm gonna spend the rest of my day doing every quarantine activity you can think of" i said standing up of the couch with some form of motivation

I got some paper and made a list

1. yoga

2. colouring

3. Make tiktok's

4. meditation

5. make whipped coffee?

6. bake some cakes 

"i think that will keep me occupied for the day" i said, waving the list in Shannon's face

"Yeah, well what about tomorrow?" she replied whilst looking at my list. "you need a new hobby, not these random activities that will bore you after half an hour. How about knitting? you're already a grandma with technology, add knitting to your list"

we both laughed.

"you'll be sorry when i'm all zen and fit after my yoga and meditation, and when i don't let you eat any of my cupcakes!"

"i'm going to film my video in the garden, i might join you in some of these activities later.. we'll see"  shannon said, walking outside with her laptop

"what if i don't want you to do them with me!" i shouted at her, jokingly, encouraging Shannon to shoot me a wink.

About an hour had passed and i was onto colouring. I had completed some yoga, but didn't really enjoy it as i wasn't ver y good at it. i'm not very flexible. Shannon had finished her video and was doing some colouring with me.

"fuck this i hate colouring" she said and threw the colouring pencils on the table.

"woah calm down kid, don't throw all of your toys out the pram just yet, this is only the second activity" i replied.

Shannon was not enjoying colouring so we decided to move on.

Tiktok's, not my specialty but we made a few on both of our accounts which occupied us for a few hours, it's harder than it looks, especially when you're a grandma with technology like me.

Meditation didn't go too well, neither Shannon nor i could stop laughing. Acting serious wasn't something we were used to.

We gave up on whipped coffee after 5 minutes of whisking, we both wouldn't stop complaining that our arms hurt and decided that it wasn't worth the pain.

Last up was baking, which was probably the most successful activity. The cupcakes tasted nice, not much can be said about the decorations however.

After we had finished all of our activities, we slumped in the living room.

"well that kept us going for a few hours, but i'm going to be bored again tomorrow" i said.

"why don't you get a keyboard, so you can go off and play some music, that kept you occupied for hours back in LA. I'm getting some of my camera equipment sent out here because i left it in LA, hopefully then i can get out and take some photos and be less bored." Shannon said

"why haven't i thought of that before, good idea, i'll Amazon prime one."

For the rest of the day we just chilled out, there wasn't much else to do.

*this is kinda just a filler chapter as i wanted to include a few things like Shannon's hate for colouring and the classic quarantine activities that i'm sure we all tried. 

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