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Shannon POV:

Cari was in the bathroom getting ready whilst i was in the bedroom. Why did this feel like a fist date? I was nervous. 

It was a pretty chilled date, we were just going to go for a bike ride down to the beach and have a picnic whilst watching the sunset. I decided to go casual and wear my black jeans with a T-shirt and dark green hoodie and cap.

"you ready to go ba-" i was about to say babe but i stopped myself. it was natural to me, i hope Cari didn't notice.

"yeah coming, ill meet you downstairs" she replied not mentioning the babe thing.

I headed downstairs to the kitchen to get the food that we had prepared earlier and a blanket and put it into a bag that could go in the basket of the bike. 

I went outside to join the the rest of the fletcher family and Bec whilst i waited. They were sat drinking cocktails and talking about somethings random.

"Where's Cari" Mrs Fletcher asked

"I'm here, i'm here" Cari said coming down the stairs

"Time management, never been your best attribute" Mr Fletcher said and everyone laughed

"We better go before any more insults get thrown at me, i'd like to preserve my dignity" Cari said laughing whilst she grabbed my hand and pulled me back through the house"

We were cycling for 15 minutes before arriving at a nice spot on the beach. We had the whole beach to ourselves, there was no one else in sight. 

Cari POV:

I watched whilst Shannon set out the blanket on the sand before i helped to get the food out of the basket.

We sat opposite each-other, eating, talking and watching the sunset. it was times like this that made me feel stupid for ever breaking up with her.

"Don't think i didn't hear you slip up earlier" I said

Shannon looked confused 

"Babe?" i said questioningly 

"Oh, you heard that.. I thought i got away with it, damn" she said moving closer to me. we were now sat next to each other, our hands centimetres away from each other.

"It's ok, don't feel like you have to change just because we broke up, i dont want you to change. It's still the same between us. If anything, i like it when you call me babe"

"Good, because its hard to not let it slip out, it's natural, everything is natural with you" Shannon said whilst placing her hand on mine so they interlock.

"I missed this, i missed you, i'm glad you're here with me" i said whilst resting my head on her shoulder.

We sat until the sun had set, indicating that it was time to head back. We packed up everything and started the cycle back home.

We arrived back home and stopped outside the front door, "thank you for tonight, it was lovely, I'm glad things are good between us" i said to shannon grabbing her hand.

"There is no one else i'd rather be with" she replied.

I wanted to kiss her, would that be weird? was it too soon?

Fuck it, i thought, and leaned in. it was beautiful.

Shannon POV:

I know we have kissed many times before, but this time it felt different. there were so many undiscussed emotions and feelings between us, but it just felt right.

After the kiss we headed inside hand in hand to where everyone else was sitting watching TV.

"Did you have a nice time" Cari's mom asked

"Of course they did, look, they're holding hands and i haven'r seen Cari grin like that since she came back from their last date" Bobby said

"Hey - " Cari said punching Bobby's shoulder

"yeah, we had a really nice time, thanks" i said as cari and I cuddled up next to each other on the sofa

Over an hour had passed and we were still sat on the sofa, Mr and Mrs Fletcher had called it a night and so it was just Cari, Bobby, Bec and I. Cari was struggling to keep her eyes open so i whispered "should we call it a night before you completely crash?" and kissed her head.

Cari was practically asleep by the time i got into bed, she's cute when she's tired. I didn't want to disturb her so i just turned the light off and settled down.

"Hold me?" Cari said in a quiet voice from the other side of the bed.

and with that i held her, like i was never letting her go, until we both fell asleep.

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