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Shannon POV:

"right, first up, silence? what ideas do you have" i said to Cari whilst we were on a zoom call with John, Cari's manager.

She opened up her little black book, that basically contained her whole career: "water, lot's of water. i want to emphasise the strength and power of silence, and in water, i feel silence is greatest in water" Cari said, getting slightly emotional

I put my hand on her knee "damn, you're really gonna make this hard for me arn't you. filming underwater, with the little equipment that we have."

"just wanting to push your talents to the fullest, anyway, there is no one else i'd rather have shoot and direct this"  Cari said smiling

"well, we haven't even started filming yet, so let's see how you feel in a few hours time"

We ended the call with John and decided on everything that we needed. Cari had a rough idea for what she was envisioning for this video, so i just decided to go with the flow.

we packed up the car with all sorts of things, camera equipment, mirrors, makeup, multiple changes of clothes, towels and stupid accessories that might come in handy.

Cari was wearing a suit look for the video, and she had ordered multiple of the same outfit, incase it got trashed or we needed a dry version for different takes.

we arrived at the beach and set up a few things before discussing what we needed to shoot first.

"this is going to be hard, why are we challenging ourselves for the first one" i said

"who doesn't love a challenge" Cari replied, standing up

"right, im gonna get in the water, what i want you to do is film me-

"well duh" i said, cutting her off

"shh, no, just do you shan, i trust you're creative eye, we will just play the song, and get lot's of different shots and angles, just do what you think will look cool for this take, we can then assess and know where to go next" Cari said, making me feel as if she was trusting me with her life

"No one can capture me like you can" said cari, making me feel some type of indescribable way

A few hours had passed and we had taken thousands of clips, along with arguing and fighting at points, but we believed that we could leave the beach and go back home and take a few more in the pool.

We got home, Cari had to change, and i had to download some of the footage onto a hard drive as both my iphone storage was full and both of my SD cards. i looked briefly over what we had captured whilst we waited and i was impressed.

"i have an idea" i said to cari when she came out of the bedroom

"fish tank" i said, pointing over at the empty fish tank that was sat on the side.

"i didn't know we were playing I-spy" Cari replied sarcastically

"no, to get the underwater shots, i need to use the fish tank, because i don't really want to break my phone, as much as this album means to me, i'm not sure i really want to sacrifice my phone for it"

"you're the cameraman, whatever you think will work"

Cari POV:

Shannon jumped up from the computer and ran over to the fish tank like a little kid whilst i sat down to look at the footage.

"this is really good, well done baby" i said

Shannon didn't reply, she was halfway out of the door heading to test out her idea, it was cute, she was excited, i used to love watching her take photos and videos, it was something she was passionate about. Music was my thing, and she has always supported me on that, and videography and photography was hers. this project allows us to merge our passions and im so grateful for this opportunity.

"come get in the pool" Shannon shouted from outside. She was half submerged herself at this point

"hurry up! i have the perfect angle, just get in, get underwater and float around or something."

just as i was about to get in, Shannon stopped me: "wait, actually, i want a shot of you jumping in when your dry, fuck but then ill have to move, we can pass on that one. right, can you come here and jump in and try and stay submerged, i want it all in one shot if you get me"

"got it, jump in, stay submerged, one shot" i said and we both laughed.

another few hours passed and it was starting to get dark, i think we got a good variation of footage and clips, so we headed inside.

we we're both cold and wet from being in the pool for the last few hours, and so decided to shower.

"you can use our shower and i'll go use the spare one, okay" i said to shannon who was standing, shivering and looking like a wet dog.

A smirk appeared on her face, "or we could both use our shower". She grabbed my hand and we walked upstairs.

As soon as i closed and locked the bathroom door behind me Shannon's lips find mine, planting a passionate kiss.

Time kind of got lost while we were in the shower, we got a bit distracted... and when we cam out dinner was ready and mom was asking us to set the table.

"you might be a world famous singer who is currently filming her ep but that doesn't mean you can avoid your chores!" Mom said, naggingly, as i appeared in the kitchen, whilst shannon was just downloading all the footage.

After dinner and once we had cleared the dining room table, we set up ready to start editing and putting together footage. 

It was almost 1am by the time we had put together a first draft of the video. it wasn't finished yet but we had had a busy day and neither of us were really functioning well at this point, so we called it a night.

**i'm not really sure on some of the details of Cari and Shannon making these videos, so most of it is made up for the storyline, but i know some parts like the use of the fish tank are true.

Hope you enjoyed

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