The S(ex) Tapes

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Shannon POV:

I was leaving later today, quarantine has been good, but we both agree that it is time for us to move on.

"What are you going to call this album anyway?" i asked whilst packing my bag, and Cari was sending off some- emails on the bed.

"our album, shan, its as much mine as it is yours at this point, and not just because you filmed and directed it, it's because it's our story. And im calling it 'The Sex Tapes'."

"Ok, ok, our album, and thats a bold title"

"yeah on first glance, it is, it's bold, and brave, and some might stay stupid, but if you think about what the songs are about, and the videos, it makes sense. a sex tape is when someone is caught in their most vulnerable and raw moment, and that is what this represents"

"Man, Cari Fletcher, you really are going places, and i love you so much for that" i said, approaching her and welcoming her in for a hug.

None of this really felt real at this point, we have spent every day together for the last few months, and now i was just going to walk out the door, and it would all be over.

"I'm so glad that it was you who captured this with me, shannon. you've been capturing me since the very beginning of our relationship, and im glad we got to bring that back"

"i am too, as hard as it was, it was also theraputic. It feels good to turn something that is so painful for the both of us into art. it was a lot on ur emotionally but it has also helped to process the grief, and i'm super proud of what we have done. This project is a personal representation of our love together, and now we can move forward"

The tears were flowing now. we were sat on the bed, hands interlocked. i had finished packing, and it was just a countdown before i left.

"There is no happy ending for us at the moment, and i hope you understand that. There is so much growing that i have to do, even though i dont want to. I have to find me, i have to love me, i have to learn to stand on my own two feet and not lean on anyone else, and it's painful, but it's got to happen." cari said.

"i know, and at the beginning i didn't understand that, but now i do. And im okay with that. I love you, and thees have been the best 4 years of my life, and i'm forever grateful. And who knows what will happen down the line.

once we had had our heart to hear in the bedroom, we headed downstairs, so that i could say goodbye to the rest of the family. 

"Thank you so much for having me, Mr and Mrs Fletcher, its been great to spend so much time with you all."

"no thanks necessary Shannon, it's always pleasure" mr fletcher said before bringing me in for a hug.

"Shannon, you're part of the family, and if you dont mind me saying, no matter what the relationship between you and Cari is, i'm so thankful that you were there for her, and i hope that doesn't change." Mrs Fletcher really hit my heart there.

"it won't, and i think Cari are on the same page there, the love i have for your daughter is not going away anytime soon, and i'll always be there for her"

"Thanks for taking care of her, it's been nice having you here, and i know it's over for right now, but i'll see you at your wedding" Bobby said smirking before Cari wiped the smile away by punching him in the arm.

After one final round of hugs, it was time for Cari to drive me to the airport. Her hand was on my knee, with my hand on top the whole journey, but we drove in silence.

Once we arrived, we both let out a huge sigh.

"So this is it, the end of the road" i said, griping Cari's hand tighter.

We unloaded my bags our of the trunk and cari brought me into a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry i'm hurting you, i know this isn't your choice, but i will always love you."

"i'm always only a phone call away, no matter if we are arguing or if we haven't spoken in a while, please call me if you need me. I'm so proud of you Cari, and i'm so glad i've met you"

Our lips met for the final time.

I could feel her tears on my skin, as i'm sure she could mine.

"goodbye, cari, i'll see you soon, i will always love you, don't forget that"

"goodbye, and thank you, you mean the world to me, i love you"


*Thats a wrap for this story! i'm thinking of doing a 5 years later chapter or maybe even another book, would that be something you'd read?

Thank you all so much for the love on this, i hope you have enjoyed, and i plan on getting started on my next book asap.

Also, Thank you so much for 1 in #Fletcher, what a way to end the story!

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