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Shannon POV:

It was the next morning. I woke up and looked over at Cari sleeping on the other side of the bed. We diddn't do anything last night, we diddn't even cuddle. I think we both thought that would be weird - broken up for two months but jump back in bed together at the first chance? 

"Stop staring, go back to sleep, it's too early" Cari said, still half asleep.

I smiled. 

"some things just never change hey, never were a morning person" i replied. 

I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom before heading downstairs to make some coffee, "you want coffee?" i asked before opening the bedroom door.

"no, let me sleep"  she replied throwing a pillow at me. I laughed.

I headed downstairs to see the rest of the family already going about their daily activities. Mr and Mrs fletcher were reading the newspaper at the kitchen table, Bobby on his laptop and Bec was by the pool sunbathing.

"Hey Shannon, you like puzzles right.. come here and take a look at this crossword for me" Mr Fletcher said as i poured the coffee into mugs for Cari and I.

I looked over Mr Fletcher's shoulder, "6 down is oboe - a woodwind instrument with a double-reed mouthpiece, a slender tubular body, and holes stopped by keys, oboe" i said and smiled

He looked up at me and smiled, "good spot"

I headed back upstairs to find Cari still in bed.

"Everyone else is up you know, you're missing out" I said as i passed her the coffee, even though she said she diddn't want one. No never means no with Cari.

She sat up in bed and we talked whilst drinking our coffee. 

"What's the plan for today?" i asked

Just as Cari was about to answer, Bobby came knocking, "the plan, Shannon, is to adventure. When Cari and I were younger we would go and explore every day, and we found a spot just up the road in the forrest with a beautiful view and we made it our den. I want to see if it's still there - whose in?"

"Sure, sounds like great fun, i'm in" i said, where as Cari was more hesitant. She diddn't enjoy exploring as much as she used to.

"Do it for the bugs" i said, Bobby and I laughed. Cari has a great love for bugs.

45 minutes later we were heading out the door. Bobby was really excited, he was reliving his childhood.

it wasn't the easiest place to get to, the trees and bushes were overgrown and where Bobby and cari said used to be a path was no longer there.

Cari POV:

After walking for half an hour we reached what used to be mine and Bobby's hideout. It was obviously not so secret anymore as the trees had been cut down and there was a bench looking out on the ocean. 

"It's beautiful" i said

we all sat on the bench and just watched the world for a bit until Bobby said he had to get back, he had some work calls to make. Bec  and I stood up with him, and started to follow him back the way we came.

"wait" Shannon said and grabbed my hand

"sit down a second" she said shyly

"what's up ShanBee" i said as i sat down, trying to act cool, i wasn't sure what was about to happen and i'm not sure im ready for it.

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