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Cari POV:

A few days had passed since our date. We hadn't kissed since, but cuddling and holding hands was a regular occurrence.

"Shan can you grab my wine from the counter on your way out?" I called to Shannon who was inside from outside where I was setting the table for our family dinner. This was one of my favourite parts of the day, along with tucking into bed with Shannon at the end of it all.

A few hours had passed and we had finished eating but the convo was still flowing. Mom had somehow managed to navigate the conversation towards marriage and family, which i could tell made all of us uncomfortable, but that didn't stop mom and dad from grilling Bobby and I.

"So what, you're 26 in a few days? Where's that on your timeline? Should i be shopping for a nice dress for a wedding? You know how difficult i find it to find the right dress, you better give me plenty of warning!" Mom said half joking half not whilst exchanging eye contact with both Shannon and I

Shannon shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"I'm doing well according to my body clock, thanks mom, and as for a dress, i think you're good for now"

"doesn't hurt to be prepared tho" shannon smirked and winked at me

"She's joking Mom, don't get any ideas"

"i think thats our queue to head to bed, night everyone, love you, see you in the morning" I said and headed off upstairs with Shannon following behind.

I went into he bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready for bed but i noticed Shannon just collapse onto the bed and stare at the ceiling.

"What's wrong?" i questioned

"Oh, nothing, just waiting for you to finish in the bathroom" I knew she wasn't telling me the truth, i can always tell when somethings on her mind, but i just left it for now.

We settled into bed and it was silent.

"Did you mean what you said earlier? About your body clock? Are you really happy with where you are at the moment? At the beginning of our relationship you said -" Shannon said shyly and i could feel her warm breath on my neck

i cut her off before she could finish and i turned around to face her "i know what i said ad the beginning of our relationship, i want to be settled and ready for marriage in my 26th year, but that was almost 4 years ago now, things change. But to answer your question, i am happy, i really am. I'm happy in my career, i'm happy in my family and friends, and i'm happy with you" 

"how can you say that you're happy with me when you broke up with me, we are not in a relationship, we're not together" Shannon said, raising her voice a bit and sitting up.

"thats not what i ment, can we not do this now, it's late and im tired"

"yeah, sure, whatever" shannon said, getting out of bed and throwing on a hoodie and cap, already in sweatpants.

"where are you going, come back to bed, we can talk about it if it's bothering you that much"

"No, no, go back to bed, i need some fresh air, im going for a walk, don't wait up" Shannon said whilst walking out the door.

Shannon POV:

I shouldn't of got annoyed like that, but things like that annoy me, when we are not on the same page.

I didn't know where i was going, i was just walking at this point. It was late, and a bit cold, but the fresh air was nice, i could think.

Without realising, i had made my way to the bench where Bobby had taken us on our first day, it was peaceful here at night, the stars and moon illuminating the sky.

i don't know why i got so frustrated back there. It was nothing a conversation couldn't fix. it was just that i guess i'm a bit more ready for marriage than she was, something that i hadn't realised till now. In was turning 28, i knew i wanted to spend the rest of my life with cari, so why wait.

This thing kinda put it into perspective. what was i doing, quarantining with my ex girlfriend in hopes she will change her mind and get back together with me? Who was i kidding.

I was out for over an hour but i was getting cold, so i decided to head back, hoping Cari was not awake.

As i headed through the front door, there Cari was, Coffee in hand, wrapped up in a blanket watching some cappy TV show. It was in that moment that i realised why i was there, not because i hoped that we would get back together, but because she made me happy, together or not together, i would do anything to be in her presence. 

"Hey, i know you said don't wait up, but i wanted to know your safe, and i struggle to sleep when your not next to me." 

"no, im glad you did, look, im sorry, i shouldn't of walked out" i said whilst cuddling up to her on the sofa.

We talked about all my worries and made sure we were on the same page until eventually we both fell asleep on the sofa, wrapped in each others arms.

*next chapter is a big chapter. Get excited haha

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