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Shannon POV:

Today's music video is Bitter, an interesting one for both of us, but not a difficult one. I don't think it should cause deep conversations or ultimatums, so in that sense i'm looking forward to it.

We are on our way to the store to buy a range of fruit and other random foods for this video. Cari wants to show the contrast between sweet and sour in this vide, and. basically just stand outside and do some weird shit with fruit.

"what about this" i say, pointing at a banana

"What the hell could we do with a banana... "

There was an awkward silence before we both broke it by laughing.

"alright, keep it in you pants Cari Fletcher, this is a music video, not a different type of video"

Cari and I just got carried away in the store, and ended up spending far too long in there, so we had to start filming as soon as we got back, well that was the plan anyway. 

Cari decided that she needed to shave, as there were going to be close ups of her, and that she had to tan, which took far too long.

By the time we started filming, it was almost 2pm, but luckily we didn't have a set to set up for this video, we could just get to filming.


"this feels weird, i'm getting major food porn vibes, i don't like it"

"ew i hate this, why are we doing this again?" 

This video was by far the most enjoyable, for the first time we were just trying to have a good time, and there were very few shots that we got on the first take, because most of the time we were both laughing.

"pass the honey, let me put it on you" i said, whilst looking at cari for a reaction

"is it weird that this is turning me on"

"cari stop, i'm pretty sure your dad is behind that garage door"

we both laughed, i'm glad we could make jokes like this together.

"just stand there, don't move" the sun was glistening perfectly off  the honey on cari's body, it was beautiful.

"hey - no mom, go back inside, this is not for your eyes". Mrs fletcher had come to see what we were up to, it was nice that cari's parents were so supportive, however this was probably not the best time for them to show it, as cari was standing with no top on, only in underwear.

"sorry! i just wanted to see how things were going, i wanted to be part of the process! you know, i did birth you cari, it's nothing i haven't seem before"

"yes but im 26 now mom!" cari shouted as mrs fletcher headed back inside.

"i just love your mom so much, shes so cute" 

Cari POV:

Throughout the shoot today it was just me eating random fruits and attempting to make it sexy, which wasn't easy.

I recall making multiple suggestions, but Shannon shut them all down. I didn't really do much for this video, i kind of just lip synced the song far too many times and Shannon got me doing all sorts of things, she took the lead, i liked it.

i also learnt that it's incredibly hard to make eating a lime look sexy.


"This honey better fucking be easy to come off in the shower, i also have it in my hair. Do you think it comes out of clothes?"

"just get in the shower, i'll put ur clothes in the wash".  shannon said, pushing my naked body towards the bathroom.

I could sense her watching me from behind, so i decided to walk extra slow, to tease her a little.

"i can feel your eyes burning a hole in the back of me" i said before slamming the bathroom door behind me.

As the door shut, i let out a huge sigh and a smile, i enjoyed torturing her this way.

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