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Shannon POV:

We sat on the bench, looking out at the view, fingers intertwined, it felt natural, like we were still together, like nothing had changed.

 I didn't really know what i was about to say or do, i just wanted some alone time with Cari, it was instinct to grab her hand and tell her to sit.

"What did you want to say" Cari asked after a few moments of silence.

"Oh yeah.. right. I- I just wanted to gauge where we are at, like what is going on here. We are broken up, which we decided would be the best option, but yet I am here with your whole family in your holiday house that you grew up in as a kid. I guess what im asking is where your mind is at"

She looked back at me, in a longing sort of way. "I knew we should have this conversation, i just assumed we would spend a few days together before we had to."

"to be honest, i don' really know. it felt natural for me to invite you, you're basically part of the furniture at this point" we both laughed "and when Mom said it was a whole family affair, with Bec and Bobby, it felt weird not to invite you. I had not really given it any thought as to what it meant for our relationship"

I didn't really know what to reply to her so i turned to face the view and put my arm around her whilst she brought her body closer to mine. 

We just sat in silence, embracing the moment for a while, until Cari said "I don't want you to feel weird or awkward i guess, we are going to be living together for who knows how long and so what im trying to say is, let's just go with the flow, no title, no label, just Shannon and Cari, and who knows what will happen. We can talk about the future once this is all over, but for now i just want to be here with you."

and with that, i lifted her chin up and looked into her eyes, smiling, before kissing her on the forehead.

Cari POV:

Wow, Shannon hitting me with the big questions on our first day. I hope i said what she wanted to hear. She kissed me so i think i was on the right track.

I had missed her kisses, her soft lips, her embrace, her passion. 

some time had passed, we had just sat talking until my stomach started to rumble, i hadn't eaten yet today and it was passed lunch time.

"Think that's our queue to head back" Shannon said laughing whilst she stood up but still keeping her tight grip on my hand.

We headed back, hand in hand and stopped just before the house

"Do you want to go on a date with me" Shannon said whilst removing some hair from my face.

"in a pandemic? maybe not the wisest idea you have ever had ShanBee"

"i know, i know, not to a public place silly, i meant more of a picnic under the stars or a bike ride or a movie night or i'll cook us dinner" she said

"that's more wise, i'm in, better cancel all of my other plans" i smirked

"yeah? all of your other dates? I know any of them?"

We both laughed "enough with the sarcasm Shan, i'd love to go on a date with you" 

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