Prologue: Infiltration! at G.U.N.

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Eclipse the Darkling:

I was standing on the tip of a tall building in an Overlander city, I'm still figuring out the names of these places on Earth so my best guess would be that I'm in Green Hill Zone?

"Ha! This place doesn't even look green. Humans are all so stupid, I swear all they're good for are their complex protein chains."

I turned my head to see a sign that read, 'Central City'.

I gave myself a face palm.

"How the heck am I gonna bring back the Black Arms and rule the world if I barely know this planet!" I muttered under my breath.

"Curse you Shadow, curse you stupid humans Curse everyone that took my family away from me!" I stifled a sob.

Blurk, rubbed up against me in an attempt to comfort me as the three other Dark Arms looked up at me with adorable smiles.

"Well at least I still have you guys." They cooed in response.

"And fear not! I have hatched a plan for our revenge, we just need to sneak into the recently developed secret G.U.N base near by, according to my sources it may be located underground and I know just how to get in..."


Now we're guessing we know what you thinking are right now. You're probably wondering, 'why in the heck would they build a base right near H.Q.?' Well the reason is that if H.Q. was somehow hijacked then they wouldn't have as much trouble relocating and so they wouldn't have to relocate or rehire staff which usually takes forever and only the elites would be left in the area, making Central City more susceptible to danger. Even with that speedy hedgehog always around to come and save the day, it's good to take precautions. The best part was, no one would ever expect it. It was currently being used for a new research project. Something involving genetics or something like that.

Night had fallen; the researchers, spies, and soldiers were exhausted after a long days work and were unaware of the lingering threat.

It was thirty minutes before everyone's shifts were over.

"Hey can someone check what that creepy sound coming from the vents is?" asked a lazy G.U.N. soldier.

Another soldier went upstairs to check the vents. "Hey, I think I found i- AHHHHHGH!" The soldier sreamed and then a crushing sound was heard.

"What on Earth is that thing?!" The first soldier panicked.

Eclipse dropped from the vents with his Dark Arms by his sides.

"Hello puny weaklings, this base is now property of Eclipse the Darkling and by the way I hope you don't mind being devoured." He cackled maliciously.

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