Chapter 1: The Dream

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Amelia Jade:


I was running as fast as I could, across what used to be a forest but was now a black desert. Ashes of life littered the ground and bombs were exploding all around me. My body was in pain from all the cuts and bruises I've sustained. I didn't know where to go or hide. Badnik hordes and soldiers of the Eggman Empire were causing mass mayhem. I fell on my knees from exhaustion and couldn't move on. My lungs were filled with smoke and I was suffocating. I couldn't scream for help, my throat was sore for the loss of oxygen. No! I had to. I wasn't going down like this.

"Help!" I yelled with all the remaining strength I could muster.

I heard a rocket-like sound coming towards me from behind.

"I'm gonna die," I thought to myself.

The object came to a stop behind me. I turned around and saw a blue hedgehog who looked at me with his emerald green eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll get us out of here," he said with a comforting smile.

He picked me up and held me in his arms.

"Now hold on tight." Suddenly the world became a blur around me. It felt warm to be in those arms.

Waking up:

Brrrrrriiiiiing brrrrrriiiiiing


Brrrrrriiiiiing brrrrrriii-

I slapped the snooze button with irritation. Yeahhh, not a morning person. Especially not on Mondays. I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, put on light makeup (don't judge), did my hair, and trotted downstairs.

"Morning hunny, I made pancakes for everyone," my mom gave me a peck on the cheek.

"Thanks. Love you mom," I gave her a tight hug.

I grabbed a chair and sat at the table.

"Looks like zombie is awake," my sister Alexis joked.

"Thanks for the compliment," I said with a cheesy wink.

Alexis was the coolest sister in the world. She was the head cheerleader of the Dragonettes, a straight A student, and all of the boys at school had a crush on her. I was shocked that we were even friends, but sometimes she'll tell me things like, "You know, you're actually a really pretty girl. You should stop looking down on yourself." If only I could believe that.

After I finished my pancakes, I checked the clock. Oh crap!

"I'm almost late!" I panicked and almost dashed out of the door.

"So are you planning on going in your pajamas?" Alexis laughed.

*Face Palm*

I bolted upstairs and rushed to put my uniform on and sprinted to school.

Eclipse the Darkling:

I spent all night trying to crack codes to get the information I needed. "I've finally hacked into the system," I was researching genetic engineering to alter the genetics of a female compatible with Black Death's DNA. If I could find a mate then I could bring back my species. I placed one of his scales on a glass scanner connected to the main computer. I've already completed the genetic alteration machine, all I needed was her. I pressed enter and one result showed up on the giant screen with live footage of her running through Station Square and her information to the left of the screen:

Name: Amelia Jade

Age: 16 yrs

Gender: F

Hair Color: Black with violet highlights

Eye Color: Violet

Height: "5 '6"

Weight: 123 lbs.

Species: Human

Blood Type: A+

School: Segaha High

I stared at her picture for at least a whole minute and grinned, "Soon, you will be mine child."

Amelia Jade:

I ran to school while listening to Crush 40 from my RingPod. I couldn't stop thinking about that dream the whole day. It was so cool to get saved by Sonic the Hedgehog, the fastest thing alive! He's been my hero since I was a little girl. I'm not like one of those crazy stalker fans who are constantly chasing after him which tends to result in failure for anybody anyways (fastest thing alive, remember?) I just really admire and look up to him.

During lunch, I sat with my friends who were mainly hardcore gamers & rockers and we talked about this new video game based off of Sonic the Hedgehog that was coming out soon on the Genesis Station. Critics were rating it really high and my friend Anthony said he was getting the demo, lucky...

In the halls at some point, I remember my self-proclaimed 'rival', Cindy Chander, who thinks she's the most special girl in the world (And who practically acts like one of those annoying spoiled anime girls), decided to trip me AND verbally assault me "Hey harlot, you ruined my new expensive shoes."

Just letting you know that

1. I can't possibly be a harlot considering I'm virgin;

2. she's the one who has practically tries to sleep with anything that has a freaking pulse and

3. last time I checked, she tripped me.

"Can't you just leave me alone for once?" I sighed.

"Why would I leave my rival alone, you might be hiding some trick up your sleeve to become more popular than me," she snorted with an annoying laugh. I told you, she's like a spoiled girl anime character! And she lives in this weird fantasy world where apparently I'm popular and she's 'competing' with me. I rolled my eyes at her which really ticked her off.

I walked away with a big scrape on my arm to the nurse who put some aloe and a huge band-aid on it after that. The news channel was on in the clinic.
Breaking news, multiple employees of
G.U.N. have mysteriously disappeared related to a new project that could've possibly been a major breakthrough in science. This includes renowned scientists and highly ranked soldiers from across the globe.

After finishing my track meet, my sister drove me home. On the way I wondered how my father was doing. Usually when I got home he would show me one of his cool new inventions or some prototypes. It was kind of our bonding time together. After watching the news I'd been on the edge a little bit because he was working for G.U.N. and recently began a new project involving genetics. He said that it would change the world and make people immune to the most deadly diseases like ebola or cancer. He didn't come home yesterday night and I really hoped that he wasn't a victim.

My mom was pacing back and forth in the kitchen with a look of concern. She's usually pretty chill, something really bad must've come up. I didn't see dad's car in front of the house....

Oh no.

"Hey mom, what's wrong and where's dad?"

"I don't know, he hasn't come home yet and isn't responding to any of my calls. I think he may still be at his new job at that recently developed G.U.N. research center he was talking about."

It can't be!...

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