Chapter 7: First Kiss and a Serial Killer

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Amelia Jade:

A blue blur rushed toward us. Then, screeched to a stop right next to me.
"Sonic?!" I thought to myself excited yet confused.

"You know, that letter you wrote Amy wasn't very reassuring," Sonic said wagging his finger at me.

I shook my head in disbelief, "Wait, how the heck did you find me?"

"I just had a feeling you would be here," he said shrugging.

"Why are you here?" Shadow said coldly.

"Hey, I just wanted to know what the heck was going on," he retorted.

"That's none of your business Faker."

"Well I didn't ask you Faker. I'm only trying to help!"

"Hmph. How about I put you back in the hospital where you belong?"

"Let's see you try!" They got into their fighting stances and the Commander had a face that I could only describe as, 'not this again.'

I could practically see the fire in their eyes as they glared at each other.

"Alright, break it up you two," I yanked them both by the ears and turned them towards me.

"Look, I don't know what kind of grudge you guys have with each other but at least try to get along for the time being? We need to focus on more important things right now."

I turned towards Shadow, "Shadow we need as much help as we can get for this mission and he would be a great asset for the team-"

Sonic the Hedgehog:

Awe shucks, she called me a great asset.

Amelia Jade:

"- please," I held his hands in mine, "Don't make him leave, ....for my sake."

Shadow the Hedgehog:

Damn, she's giving me those eyes again. Why can't I resist listening to her?

Amelia Jade:

He sighed, "Fine, just this once though."

I let go of his hands.

"Thank you Shadow," I smiled at him.

Sonic Joined Your Party!

"I'm glad this is temporary," Shadow muttered to himself.

"So what's the mission?" Sonic asked.

"We need to find the seven chaos emeralds and bring them back to Angel Island so that she can become human again," Shadow explained.

....I'm not even going to ask how he knew the name of the island.

"Or six," Sonic said with a wink, producing a shiny green gem.

"And with Rouge's we would only need five more," Shadow said resting his chin on his fist.

This just got a lot easier.

"I will assemble the troops here by tomorrow. For now I suggest that you all get some rest," Sleep, that's about the best news I've heard all day!

"Except for you Shadow. I need you to attend the conference with me today," the Commander said walking inside of the building.

"Pfft, I've gotten three days worth of rest. I'm running!" Sonic was about to dash off but then he turned to face me.

"You wanna come?" OMG YES! I didn't even care how tired I was. But, it felt kind of wrong to just abandon Shadow out of the blue like that. I mean he saved me twice for one and he even promised to help me with my quest and with mastering my powers.

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