Chapter 6: Falling Free In The Wind

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Sonic the Hedgehog:

"Yaaaaaaawn," I stretched my arms, feeling new and refreshed.

"Huh? No pain in my neck," I scratched my head confused. I touched where the scars and bruises should've been.

Dr.Meadows sat in a desk by my hospital bed filling out some paperwork. Then looked at me and smiled.

"The wounds in your neck seem to have completely healed. Looks like you're free to go. Now just sign right-"


"- here?"

"Looks like I'm finally free to run again!" I smirked and dashed outside at a breakneck speed but then skidded to a stop when I saw Knuckles, Tails, and Amy.

"Looks like the whole gang is here. Sup?"

"Soniiiic!" Amy tackled me in a hug.

"Woah Amy! Nice to see you too," I nervously laughed trying to push her away.

"Well I've finally made some new modifications to the Tornado that I'm really excited to test out. Are you feeling any better?"

Amy finally got off.

"Yup, never felt better! I'm glad I'm finally out of that cramped hospital room."

"Wow, that's great to hear!"

"Yo! Knuckles, how's it goin?" we fist bumped.

"Pretty good, I asked Relic if she could watch over the Master Emerald for me today," said Knuckles.

"So how's that girl Amelia doing?" I noticed Amy's smile begin to fade.

"What's wrong Ames?"

"Well a lot's happened to her since yesterday and I don't know how she's holding up since she was gone before anyone was awake. She left a note though." Amy held up a letter with girly handwriting.

"If you've received this letter, that means I've already left. There's something really important that I have to do and if I don't make it back alive, I just want you to know that I'm grateful for everything you've done for me."

-Amelia Jade

I studied the note and my eyes widened.

"Sorry guys but I've gotta go!" I zipped away in search of Amelia.

"What a coincidence. I actually have to get ready for my date with Dexter right about now," Amy said checking her watch.

"Dexter?!" Tails and Knuckles said shocked in unison.

"But I thought you told Sonic he was made up?!" Tails said completely thrown off.

"I only said that because I wanted to give Sonic another chance since he'd been so nice to me back then, but he hasn't shown any interest in me ever since I told him otherwise. So I guess I've just decided to move on." Their jaws dropped.

She skipped away to Rouge's car.

"Hey Tails do you have some kind of machine thing that fixes hearing?" said Knuckles.

Amelia Jade:

Gosh, I stink at writing letters. I wished that I could've slept a little longer but Shadow had told me that I needed to wake up a little earlier than I expected...

Shadow the Hedgehog:


I came in through the window at three o'clock in the morning to wake Amelia up.

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