Chapter 11: Racing the Blur

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Eclipse the Darkling:

"My name is Eclipse and I want the same exact thing you wish to take... revenge on a certain black hedgehog."

"How do we know we can trust you?" asked Coal.

"Yeah, anyone who works with Eggman is bad news in our book," said Rubio.

"And why do you assume I work for Eggman?" They gestured toward the former 'badnik' and I rolled my eyes.
"We all want the same thing and I can give it you but, only if you listen to what I have to say."

"My apologies, but we're not interested, in working with you," Coal said calmly.

"Ha! and I was actually thinking of bringing your friend here back on his feet too. Oh, well! I guess I'd better be on my way then," I turned my darkbots around and almost left.

"What are you talking about? That's not even possible! The dead stay dead! Stop messing with us!" said Rubio.

"Believe me, I thought the same exact thing about a week ago."

"You can really bring Uncle Grudge back?" the young pup sniffled.


They looked at each other and whispered a few things then nodded at me.

"Okay, but tell us the plan first," said Coal.

"First thing's first, I need the boy to step away for a second."


I strapped the cannon I used to transform Amelia on my arm.

"I'm going to give you both incredible power beyond your wildest dreams."

What am I going to do with this since only Amelia's DNA is compatible with Black Death's, you may ask? You see, the serum will infect their bodies and raise their abilities. It won't completely alter their DNA though, because their bodies wouldn't be able to sustain the change. Especially with the DNA of a Black Arms hive leader. So I altered the serum to effect their bodies on a less molecular level, meaning they won't necessarily be Black Arms. I can't use the serum on too many of these earthlings though or my children will go hungry. I can use them to serve my purpose, so I'm making an exception. I shot them with the cannon and they fell to the ground with a thud.
Their skin began to darken until it became black. Their fur became streaked with red & black. Their muscles became bigger and more defined. I heard deep dark growls coming from Coal & Rubio as they rose from the concrete.

"Woah! What happened to them?" asked Brownie.

"I've given them a small piece of the power only the Black Arms can possess."

"Th-th-the Black Arms?!" his wonderment shifted into fear.

Of course I felt sympathy for that boy but, I have my own agenda too and that's bringing my species back.

Amelia Jade:

Eggman Joined Your Party!

It was taking a while for everything to get loaded on the G.U.N Bullet (the name of the vehicle we'll be travelling in) including soldiers and supplies. Alexander kept looking at me for some reason and I didn't know why. When I got to my seat I put my weapons down, tucking them under the soft leather chair. I fiddled with my necklace impatiently and bounced in place a little bit trying to think of something to pass the time. I decided to trade out my ankle boot heels for those cool rocket shoes so I could race with Sonic today and see who's faster. Obviously I'm gonna lose but I just liked the idea of potentially beating him. A girl can dream though, right? I guess it's because I'm kind of competitive in nature. I remember during the State Championships for track, I got a deep cut on my left leg but I didn't want to lose so I kept running anyways and got first place. I realized how stupid that was right before passing out and being hospitalized. Yeah, I can be stupid sometimes. But I guess that's what I get for hanging out with guys all the time. I put my other shoes in the G.U.N Bullet and walked up to Sonic who was talking with Tails and Knuckles.

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