Lundi - University life

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"I kill her feelings and she kills my vibe
Don't worry, I've got mud in my Sprite
L-Lots of drugs in my head
I don't know how long I'll live
Drugs, so that drugs kill her."

It is common knowledge that Lucas hates Mondays with a burning passion.
Getting up early, having to go to University, sitting in 90-minute long lectures all day until he got to go back home, and then repeating the cycle.
On top of that, he hasn't made as many friends at Uni as he imagined he would.
Sure, a few of his friends from high school are still by his side, but he especially misses seeing Yann every day.
Now, the gang only gets to hang out at the weekends, if nobody has an important exam to study for or a presentation to prepare, which was almost constantly the case.

Lucas rides his bike to Uni, trying to squeeze in as much activity as he possibly could into his cramped day, which consisted of mostly sitting around and listening or studying.
As he walks towards the giant building with its glass doors, he bumps into Isak Valtersen, the new guy on campus.
They'd never really talked much before, Isak had asked Lucas to take some notes for him once, but that was it.
Now, the guy with the mud-green eyes walks right next to him, eyes focused on his phone.

Taking one AirPod out of his ear, Lucas turns his head to Isak.
"Well hello, it's nice to see that you're back here", he says, cringing in his head. The other hasn't been showing up at Uni during the last week, which was why Lucas thought it was appropriate to welcome him back on campus.
Isak turns his head to Lucas, looking him straight in the eyes.
"Heh, thanks", he replies shyly, his Norwegian accent coming in strong.
Lucas didn't know that much about Isak, only that he had come to France to attend law school since it is quite appealing for students who are looking to travel internationally for their education.
So it is no surprise that students from all over the world were attending his University.

"Uhm, what I've been dying to ask you, uhh, do you want to hang out sometime? I haven't actually gotten the chance to talk to you, aside from asking you about the notes, heh", Isak blurts out as he shoves his iPhone into his pocket.
"Uh, yeah sure", Lucas responds, "I'd love that."
Then they arrive at the entrance, Lucas opens the door so that Isak can walk past him.
"I'll see you around", Lucas says as they part ways, and Isak nods. "Sure thing."

During his first set of lectures for the day, Lucas can't concentrate on the words of his professor.
The weekend had been rough, he hadn't been able to sleep and his new antidepressants were affecting his mood.
The doctor had said that it would take two to four weeks for the medication to show their effect, but Lucas can be an impatient guy sometimes, plus he needs to be at peak function level to perform at Uni. Suffering from major depressive disorder, his performance at Uni fluctuated even more than those of others, impacting his concentration and ability to memorize things, and he was trying his absolute best to make it work. He loves having things go right, after all.
Plus, one's thoughts tend to get even darker during the time before the medication works properly, putting him at risk for experiencing even more suicidal thoughts than he already did.

When the second set of lectures is over, Lucas goes to study in the library.
Hastily chewing on the last of his apple, he makes his way to a free table, sitting down and taking his books out.
"Salut, Lucas", a familiar voice calls and Lucas looked over to his left.
"Salut, Imane. Wait, I'll come over", Lucas whispers back, moving his stuff over to Imane's table.
"How was your weekend?", Imane asks, her long lashes touching her cheeks.
Lucas takes out a pen, opening his notebook. "It was, uhh, it could've been better. I kind of had a moment", he answers truthfully, copying his notes from his notebook to the notes on his MacBook. "How was yours?"
"It was great", Imane smiles, "Sofiane took me out for brunch after I was done with studying, and then we had a relaxing night in. On Sunday, I spent some time with my parents, haven't really gotten around to see them and stuff."
Lucas hums, focusing his attention back on his MacBook.

During the lunch break, Lucas bumps into Isak again.
They chat for a while, exchanging numbers before Lucas walks off campus to buy lunch for himself.

After his third and last set of lectures, Lucas makes his way back home.
He takes a shower before changing into more comfortable clothes.
Unfortunately, he couldn't unwind just yet, he needed to study and prepare for an upcoming exam first.
His phone buzzes.
It's Isak.
"Hey, I was wondering if you'd like to go out for lunch with me tomorrow", his text message says.
Lucas replies with "yeah sure, why not? ;) ;)" before focusing his attention back on the notes in front of him.

22h37 - Lucas was done with studying.
He brushes his teeth before starting with his evening session of yoga exercises, which focus on flexibility.
After that, he calls it a day, the right amount of sleep was essential for enhancing his ability to concentrate and to keep his mind as clear as he needed it to be.

But falling asleep wasn't easy.
He'd sell his soul to the devil if he'd get a lifetime's worth of excellent sleep in return, but unfortunately, that wasn't possible.
Lucas had decided not to take any sleeping pills, knowing that they'd mess with his antidepressant.
Therefore he had to deal with tossing and turning around all night, his mind feeling as if it were on fire and his thoughts were running a mile a minute.
Sighing deeply, Lucas sits up, running a hand over his face, pinching the bridge of his nose.
He'd read online that one should get up and do something in a different room when unable to fall asleep, so Lucas gets up and walks to the kitchen. He pours himself a glass of water, slowly drinking the cool liquid as he looks outside his big living room window.
Paris was beautiful at night, it really was.

After a while, Lucas decides to walk back to his bedroom.
He really needs to sleep soon, otherwise, the quality of his sleep would suffer tremendously.
Closing his eyes, Lucas imagines that he's swimming, swimming through blue, lukewarm water.
And with the weighted blanket over his body, he finally manages to fall asleep.


[Word count: 1130 words]

Another one about Skam, everyone!
A crossover fic this time, this is going to be exciting!
I've never written a crossover fic, so bear with me.
The setup is basically like a regular episode of Skam. Since I just hopped off a story with Lucas' point of view in the focus, we're changing it up with the point of view thing.
The lyrics at the top are from the song "Wie's war", "How it was" by Yung Vision.

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