Vendredi - Getting familiar

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"I try, I try so God damn hard
I let you in, let down my guard
I should've known right then, from the start
That you was gonna make me fall apart
Now I'm all alone and I got nowhere to go
Room's getting colder, eyes real low
Heart's broken, but I won't show
It's the sad truth, but I'm better off alone."

After getting lunch with Isak on Tuesday, they hang out regularly during the lunch break.
Lucas didn't know that much about Isak, what he did know was that he came from Norway and was now in France because of school.
Now he knows a whole lot more.
He knows that Isak is almost 22, four years older than Lucas, who's almost 19.
Isak likes the color yellow, N.W.A and cheese toasties.
Then there's Lucas, who likes four colors, being red, blue, brown, and pink, and a bunch of different artists from a bunch of different genres of music.

Today's Friday, meaning that another weekend was approaching.
Lucas has an important exam today, but when are exams in Uni not important?
After he's done, he's allowed to leave, which is good. He wouldn't want to spend another minute in the giant Uni building.

Outside, he meets Isak and they walk through a nearby park together.
"You know, I've been here for almost a month and yet I've completely fallen for Paris and its beauty", Isak says as they walk towards a bench and sit down. Lucas leans his bike against the backrest of the bench.
"Yeah, Paris is a beautiful city", Lucas says, not knowing what to add to the conversation to keep it interesting.
"Back in Oslo, the entire city would bloom during spring. It's the same here, which makes me quite happy", Isak says, looking around the park.
Lucas nods, nervously fiddling with his grey scarf that is wrapped around his neck.

"Do you want to walk home with me?", Isak asks as they reach the end of the park. Lucas hesitates.
He was exhausted from the day at Uni, but he also didn't want to waste a Friday night. Plus, now he had the chance to get to know Isak even better. They could finally get familiar with each other.
"Yeah, sure", Lucas then says, smiling as he swings his backpack from his right to his left shoulder.

Isak's apartment wasn't far away from their University, which was why Isak walked to Uni every day.
The apartment was bright, big windows let in a lot of daylight and that gave the apartment a cozy atmosphere.
They sit down in Isak's bedroom, which isn't much smaller than Lucas' bedroom. It's enough for one person.

"You have a kingsize bed, too?", Lucas lets out once he sees the kingsize bed in the middle of the room.
Isak nods. "They're cozy, sant?", he says and Lucas nods, yet again.

After getting comfortable, they chat a bit more about their lives, their families, and what motivated them to go to law school.
"I didn't know what to do after high school, so I decided to go to law school. But since I didn't want to pay that much money, my father suggested that I should go to study in France. He even paid for this apartment. I don't talk to him that much, but I'm glad that going away for school gave me the chance of seeing all of this", he gestures to the window.
"Hmm, and why don't you talk to your father that much?", Lucas asks, looking down at his hands for a second.
"Ah, he isn't respectful towards my mother and that pisses me off", Isak answers, "And when he met my first boyfriend, he said some really rude things. But that was two years ago. Now, all we talk about are things like finances and how school is going."

Lucas chews on the inside of his cheek.
"I had a boyfriend once, which my mother was really fond of, but my father behaved like a jerk at first as well", Lucas tells Isak, "But after a while, he seemed to accept me for who I am. But we're not that close. We pretty much only talk about our careers, school in my case, and money as well. Sometimes I wish that we'd have a better connection, but as long as the connection to my mother stays as strong as it is, I'm fine with it."
Isak nods. Funny, how similar their situations were and how they both turned out. Fascinating.
"Do you want anything to drink? Or a snack?", Isak asks after a while. Lucas shakes his head no.
"I'll go and get us some water, in case you do want something to drink", Isak announces before he goes to the kitchen.

Later, he returns with a bowl of mini salt pretzels, a bowl with a few apple slices, and two glasses of water.
Lucas takes a few sips of water and eats a few apple slices.

"Do you mind if I put some music on?", Isak asks and Lucas shakes his head no.
Isak gets up and puts on a CD of N.W.A, his favorite group of singers as Lucas had found out.
"Have you ever listened to N.W.A before?", Isak asks as he goes through his closet drawers, looking for something.
"Nope", Lucas replies, "Not once. But I have listened to Willy Denzey when I was 13 or 14."
Isak seems to have found what he was looking for, smiling as he sits back down on the bed.
"Willy Denzey? Never heard one song of him", he says and Lucas puts a hand on his chest, pretending to faint.
As he sits back up, he cocks up his eyebrows. "Never listened to Le Mur Du Son?"
"Never in my life", Isak answers, and Lucas makes multiple tsk sounds.
"It's time you get a taste of it then", he announces, getting ready to rap a few verses, "Cassons le mur du son (son)
Sans s'poser de questions. Guidé comme un émant, vers toi je viens doucement. Passer le mur du son, le signer de mon nom. Je me place efficace, suis ma direction."

Isak nods, seemingly impressed.
"Damn, that was good", he says, giving Lucas a high-five.
"Thanks", Lucas grins before both giggle loudly.

Later (after their fit of laughter is over) they decide to go to the balcony to enjoy their joints.
It's dark out and the chilly spring air feels good and refreshing.
"One of the groups, I think it's the physiology students from the B building , is throwing a party tomorrow. Would you like to go there with me?", Lucas asks after a few moments of silence had gone by.
"Sure, why not? Sounds fun. Do you know who else is going to be there?", Isak asks, taking a drag of his joint.
"Uhm, I think a few neurochemistry-, neuroscience- and cognitive neuroscience students are going to be there, a few ecology students from the C building as well, but I don't know them. They're from the Uni a few kilometers away from our Uni after all. But hey, we'll find out tomorrow", Lucas answers, blowing out some smoke through his nose.
Isak copies him and Lucas can't help but find it extremely attractive.

They get closer together after a while.
"Do you want to go back inside?", Isak asks and Lucas nods, he's getting cold despite wearing a beige hoodie, the warmest one he owns.
Sitting down on the couch in the living room, Isak wraps a blanket around them. "Don't want you to catch a cold", he says as he inches closer, wrapping one arm around Lucas.
Lucas leans into the touch. He never wants to leave, and knowing, that he has to do exactly that soon, pains him.
Eventually, Isak lifts his head and presses a kiss to Lucas' forehead.
Everything inside of Lucas' body starts to feel warm and fuzzy and without thinking twice about it, he presses a kiss to Isak's cheek.

A kiss on the cheek turns into multiple kisses on the lips and soon they're making out, shoving the blanket aside.
Isak's strong arms wrap themselves around Lucas' small waist, both engulfed in taking in the other one's scent.
Lucas' tongue slides into Isak's mouth, the other pulls him onto his lap.
"Do you want to stay here tonight?", Isak asks in-between kissing and Lucas nods eagerly. "Yes, yes, I'd love to", he manages to reply.

They fall into bed together, high from the weed and high from their kisses.
Lucas feels as if his entire body is on fire, Isak's lips leave an electric buzz on his skin.

Lucas never wants to miss Isak and his touch in his life again.


[Word count: 1450 words]

It's getting steamy.
The lyrics at the top are from the song "perfect pair" by unodavid.

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