Jeudi - High hopes

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"Mama said don't give up, it's a little complicated
All tied up, no more love and I'd hate to see you waiting."

Stressed, Lucas rakes a hand through his hair as he tries to figure out what to wear.
Originally, he wanted to wear his favorite beige hoodie, but now he doesn't think so anymore.
The most stressful time of the semester was coming closer and closer, and he also needs to work on something special. Something personal.
In the end, Lucas chooses to wear a Bordeaux red shirt with a grey jacket, a pair of jeans, and Adidas sneakers.

It's chilly outside, the clouds are dark and the first raindrops hit Lucas right in the eyes as he looks up.
Even though he likes riding his bike, he'll have to take the tram to get to Uni today.

While sitting in the tram, Lucas reads through his emails.
He's sent his landlord an email, where he asked for a second copy of his rental contract.
All he needs to do now is printing it out at home.
If Isak wanted to move in with him one day, he would already have the contract.

During the day, Lucas manages to stay on top of his classes whilst getting an essay - the one that he forgot to get done before his date with Isak - done during the breaks.
As soon as the day is over, Lucas heads down to the assembly hall to wait for Isak.
While scrolling through his phone, he hears footsteps coming from behind him.

"Hello, handsome man", Isak says as he hugs Lucas, pressing a kiss to his neck.
Lucas giggles softly, taking Isak's hand, smiling. "I'm glad you're here, love."
"Same here", Isak says, "How was your day, darling?"
Lucas scratches the back of his head. "It was alright, stressful but alright. I've got some exciting news", Lucas tells him as they leave the building, walking down to the tram station.
"Ah yeah?", Isak asks.
"Yeah, the landlord sent me a copy of the rental contract, so if you'd want to move in with me one day, you'll already have a copy", Lucas replies, grinning from ear to ear.
"For real? That's amazing!", Isak exclaims, kissing Lucas on the cheek, grinning as well.

They go to Lucas' place, choosing to study and get their essays done before cooking dinner.
While Lucas reads through the first pages of his neurobiology book all about neuropharmacology, his phone pings.
It's a text message from Imane.
"Luuuuccaaassss, I'm not ready for tomorrow! Send help maintenant!", Lucas chuckles. Imane wasn't feeling too excited about the exam as well.
"Hey, it'll be fine. If we just keep on studying, we'll ace the exam", he texts her back, putting his phone back down as soon as he sees that Imane's read the message.

About half an hour passes before Lucas' phone pings again.
He's expecting to read a message from Imane again, but instead, he notices that his mother has texted him multiple times.
While reading the first few messages, his phone starts vibrating and he recognizes his ringtone.
"Allô Maman?", Lucas says after picking up.

"Lucas, sweetie, glad to hear your voice again", his mother's voice sounds strained, as if she'd been crying for quite a bit.
Lucas tries not to think about it, tries to keep his mind from overthinking.
"Same here, I'm glad to hear your voice again, too", Lucas responds, "I'm studying right now, so what's up?"
He tries not to sound too harsh or too stressed, he doesn't want his mother to worry about him.
"Sweetie, I called you to inform you that I moved hospitals again. But before you get upset, I'm a bit closer to you now, so if you want to visit me, you'll only have to drive four stations and then you're there", his mother tells him, she's sounding calm and collected.

But Lucas doesn't understand.
"Did you go to the hospital by yourself of did Papa put you in there?", he asks carefully, he doesn't want to say something that could be interpreted the wrong way.
He hears his mother sigh.
"Non, I went there on my own free will, he didn't force me or anything", she then says, something shifts in her tone, "Lucas, I want to be honest with you, I think I'm getting worse. I'm still taking my medication and I'm still trying to write and do things that bring me joy, but it's getting harder and harder every day."
Lucas swallows dryly. "And why did you change hospitals? Did they have to send you there?", he then asks, biting the inside of his cheek.
"Non, things were going well at first. But then they weren't and I sort of had a breakdown. They couldn't deal with it apparently, so they sent me away and now I'm here. But I like it here, it's much calmer and the people here are more educated on schizophrenia, or so I've been told", his mother tells him, and Lucas doesn't know if she's trying to console him or herself.

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