Onsdag - Fleeting touch

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"She knows that this will all pass
But I stay
I am immortal through the lines
And you cry
A blessing and a curse at the same time
If I have to, I'll die for this shit."

Even's mind buzzes as he makes his way to the entrance of the university building.
With a thousand thoughts on his mind, he waits for the glass doors to slide open before walking in.
It's his second week here, he cannot mess this up again.

As he strolls around the building, looking for the neurobiology lecture hall, he bumps into a stranger.
Nothing bad happens, their shoulders touch for a split second.
But that split second is enough for Even to feel an electric buzz running through his veins.
He turns around to look at the stranger, and to his surprise, a pair of silver-blue eyes meet his sky-blue ones.
The stranger mumbles a broken sorry before walking on, not turning his head.
Even hears himself say it's fine, even though he had been the one who hadn't paid attention to where he was going.
The stranger fully mesmerizes Even, pulling him into his world.
Even notices the light brown and very tousled hair, the stranger's flawlessly sculpted face with the right amount of facial hair, and his long lashes.
Then he walks on as well, turning his head just in time before almost colliding with a glass door.

Even falls into the rhythm of the day easily, which he didn't think would've been possible considering the collision with the 8th wonder of the world earlier today.
During his lunch break, he walks off campus to buy himself something to eat.
Afterward, he returns, sitting down in the library to study before his next set of lectures.

At the end of his day, Even makes his way to the tram, excited to go back home.
While texting his roommates Lisa and Linn, he sees that someone is approaching him in the corner of his eyes.
"Salut", there it is, that angelic voice from earlier today.
Even shoves his iPhone into the pocket of his jeans, turning his head to meet the beautiful stranger's eyes. "Salut."
The stranger eyes him up and down, interested. "I haven't seen you on campus before, so I assume you joined this year?", he asks, his broken English makes him seem even cuter.
"Yeah, I came all the way from Norway to study neurobiology here", Even answers, noticing how his hands get slightly clammy.
"Ah, c'est cool. I'm Eliott, by the way", the young man introduces himself, Even shakes his hand.
"What a beautiful name. I'm Even", Even says, and Eliott smiles. His eyes crinkle at the corners the same way his ones do when he smiles. "Merci beaucoup", Eliott says, blushing.

Eliott's wearing the hood of his hoodie, which makes his silver-blue eyes pop out even more.
Even now notices that he's wearing earrings, small snake ones, the head of the snakes curl themselves through the holes in his ears.
"I'm not trying to sound weird, but where do you live?", Eliott asks, his eyes focused on Even's as he speaks.
"Uhh, I live in a flatshare, approximately 20 minutes from here", Even answers, not taking his eyes off of Eliott's.
"Ah, très bien! I live 30 minutes from here!", Eliott beams, and Even can't help but take in the light and warmth that the smaller one radiates.
He's been told that he looks like the sun whenever he laughs or talks excitedly about something, but Eliott takes that to a whole new level.
He is the sun and Even wants to bask in the all-enveloping warmth that Eliott radiates for the rest of his life.
How is it possible to like a man he's just met this much already?

"That's cool", Even then says, "If you want, we could hang out sometime."
Eliott smiles. How does this man get cuter with every passing second?
"How about right now? We can study and have dinner together if you'd like to. And if that's cool with your roommates, of course", Eliott suggests and Even smiles. "Sure, I'll text them that I'm at yours", he says, quickly texting Linn that they don't need to wait for him with dinner.

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