Onsdag - 2001

45 2 0

"And we dance through the night, through the night (wouh)
City lights (pop, lock, and drop it), yeah
We're rolling donuts in a parking lot (wouh)
Ljubav is the power (jajajaja)

I'm high in my room, she kills the vibe (woo, woo)
Dior 2001 (ey, yeah)
Whenever she writes "Always" I know right away (oh boy)
That she no longer stays (okay), yes
Baby don't know where I stay (where I stay)
Oh, no (where I stay)
I'm not alone here anymore (not alone)
Oh, no (not alone), yes."

Und wir tanzen durch die Nacht, durch die Nacht (wouh)
Lichter in der Stadt (pop, lock, and drop it), ja
Wir dreh'n Donuts auf einem Parkplatz (wouh)
Ljubav ist die Macht (jajajaja)

The song that Eliott just put on echoes through the room.
Even doesn't really understand the lyrics - he knows a bit of German, but not enough to understand every little thing - and neither does Eliott, but they both enjoy the sound.

Even hasn't smoked in a while, but watching Eliott smoke doesn't tempt him to share the joint with him, fortunately.
Since they're taking their medication regularly, they've been relatively stable, which has been nothing but beneficial to their Uni work and overall well-being.
Eliott turns his head to Even, his dilated pupils searching for something in the other man's face.

"Babe, would you like to go on a road trip with me? Just the two of us?", Eliott asks as he sits up to put out his joint.
"Sure, why not? We could do that at the end of this semester", Even replies, sitting up as well.
He wraps one arm around Eliott's waist, pulling the other man closer.
"Hmm, this semester is really messing with me", Eliott mutters as he takes a deep breath.

Even nods, he could use a break as well. Writing essay after essay, exam after exam, there simply isn't anything else to his life right now.
"You know", Eliott says, standing up, "We could drive around Paris, maybe even out of Paris, and just take a break. Driving around, not having to worry about a thing, it'd be you and me and endless nights of soft kisses, lots of laughs, and a lot of Sex."
Even smirks.
"Yeah, we'll definitely do that. No matter what, we'll go on a road trip together", he says as he gets up.

Eliott takes Even's hand, pulling him closer by wrapping a hand around the other's waist.
Slowly, they start dancing, Eliott tries to put some rhythm into their movements.
Eventually, they fall into some sort of rhythm with each other, bodies moving elegantly through the room.
Even hums along to the song, and Eliott's eyes sparkle as he laughs at one of Even's jokes.

Usually, Even doesn't dance to songs, too afraid of looking weird or too out-of-place with his long limbs.
But dancing with Eliott is different.
It's like they're sharing their love for each other through movements, Eliott's opened up the beautiful world of dance to Even.
And now it's just another way of communicating their love language.

"Thank you for being there for me today", Eliott says after a while, "I really needed that."
Even smiles at him. "Of course, my love. Anything to make you feel better."
Eliott had called him in the morning, informing him that he didn't feel well and that he needed a day off.
Even hadn't hesitated and within a heartbeat he'd been at Eliott's apartment, ready to take him into his arms.

So it's nice to see that Eliott's mood seems to be improving.
Even leans in for a kiss, his slightly chapped lips colliding with Eliott's soft lips.
"Mon Dieu Evy, you need to start using chapstick or else you'll cut open my lips", Eliott says and Even runs his tongue over his lips, pressing them into a thin line afterward.
Eliott presses a quick kiss to the tip of Even's nose before sitting back down on his bed, Even joins him soon after.

The song plays again, Eliott's put it on replay.
"Hopefully our professors will have mercy on us and won't bombard us with a stack of essays to do tomorrow", Eliott mutters.
"It's Uni, honey", Even somberly reminds him, "When's there not a stack of essays to get done?"
Eliott nods slowly, pressing a kiss to Even's neck before letting his head rest there.

22h14 - Even thinks about going back home, but he decides to stay with Eliott.
He texts Linn, informing her that he won't come back home tonight.

After curling up in bed, Eliott and Even stay up for a while.
They talk about everything under the sun, Eliott does most of the talking since Even's extremely tired.
"I'd love to get us couple necklaces sometime", Eliott says, "What do you think about that?"
"If they look cool I'd be down", Even says sleepily, usually he doesn't like kitschy couple-related things, but he'd make an exception.

He'd make almost every exception in the world for Eliott.

"Sweet", Eliott says, "Yeah, we'd only get the coolest ones. Maybe we could get the two E's of our names together but in different colors. I'd get one in your favorite color and you one in mine. I don't know if we've ever talked about what our favorite colors are, but I really like brown and silver. Oh, red and yellow, too."
Even chuckles. "I don't have a favorite color, but I like the way green and yellow look together", he says, his eyes closed.

Eliott presses a kiss to Even's temple.
"Love you, babe", he whispers, not sure if his boyfriend even hears him.
"I love you, too", Even responds, moving his head a bit to kiss Eliott back.
Arms wrapped around each other, they slowly drift off to sleep together.

Alle Geister komm'n um Mitternacht (es ist Nacht)
Alle trinken, keine Sünder da (wouh)
Alle Käppis wie beim Überfall (tuk, tuk)
Fünftausend-Euro-Schuhe überall (so teuer)


[Word count: 1000 words]

I've successfully distracted myself from the week's worth of schoolwork that I didn't get done.
The lyrics at the top are from the song "Dior 2001" by RIN.

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