Chapter 3

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Camila's POV

The girls and I sat backstage watching One Direction rehearse ther performance of 'Kiss You' for tonight. I still couldn't believe what happened earlier. Sure, I liked Harry a lot. But he was known for kissing a girl, getting in bed with her, then breaking up with her. Not to mention, after today, he would be on his way back to the UK and I would most likely never see him again. So right now, I am promising myself that I will not let myself fall for Harry Styles.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Dinah asked.


"Your forehead is all scrunched and you look like you're really worried about something," she said.

"It's nothing," I lied.

"Come on Camila, us girls tell each other everything."

"I just can't tell you guys this one."

"Fine, if you can't tell all of us, then just tell me. It's always good to get it off of your chest and let someone in on it."

"Okay fine, come with me," I said, getting up.

"Can we just wait until they're done rehearsing? I mean, let's take advantage of the time that we get to gawk at One Direction in person," she said.

"Okay fine."

Dinah was completely lost in her own world, watching Zayn's every move on stage. I on the other hand was fighting with trying not to meet Harry's gaze. Everytime I looked out on stage, he would turn around and smile or wink. Way to make it obvious.

"Okay they're done! Let's go!" Dinah said.

"Girls we'll be right back!" She yelled behind us.

We went into the girls bathroom and she locked the door.

"Okay spill."

"Okay well I'm just gonna give you the short version. Harry Styles likes me and he's been chasing me around and flirting with me all day and just about 2 hours ago he kissed me."

Dinah didn't say anything, she just sat there, eyes wide and mouth wide open.

"Helloooo? Earth to Dinah?" I waved my hand in front of her face.

"How is that a problem?!" She finally said.

"Because he has the reputation of kissing someone, sleeping with them, then breaking up with them. I'm not gonna be another one of his flings!"

"I guess you're right. But if I were you, I would let him kiss me all he wanted to, just saying," she laughed.

"Whatever," I said, and opened the door to walk out.

Only to be met by none other than Harry Styles.

"So you think I'm just going to use you? Kiss you? Sleep with you? Then leave you hanging?" He asked, walking towards me.

I started walking backwards into the girls bathroom, but he wouldn't stop coming closer.

"W-well I mean, t-that's what happened with e-every other girl," I said.

"Actually, every other girl broke up with me because they felt like I was too 'young and immature' since you know, I've only really dated older women," he said, moving closer.

I gulped and looked down, trying my best to avoid his gaze. Where the heck did Dinah go?!

"DINAH!!!!!" I screamed.

"What the freakin heck?! Do you want people to think I was trying to rape you?!" Harry hissed, covering my mouth with his hand.

I bit his hand, forcing him to take it off of me.

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