Chapter 8

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Camila's POV

"Calm down babe you'll be fine," Harry comforted me.

I was meeting his parents today and I was so nervous that I was shaking.

"What if they don't like me?"

"Why wouldn't they like you? You're perfect," he said, kissing my cheek.

We pulled up to a house and Harry stopped the car.

"I think I'm going to be sick," I said.

"Camila calm down, everything will be fine," he said, holding your door open for you.

We walked up the driveway and Harry opened the door, letting me walk in before him.

"Mom?" Harry yelled through the house.

"Harry?! You're finally here!" She said excitedly, coming down the stairs and enveloping him in a hug.

She pulled away and looked at me.

"And you must be Camila," she said, walking towards me.

"Yes, it's very nice to meet you," I smiled.

"Why you're even more beautiful than Harry described you to be," she said, grabbing me in a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you, you're gorgeous too!" I smiled.

"Well come on guys, sit down! Wait no, Camila you may sit but Harry needs to help me in the kitchen," she said.

"No no I can help you," I said, getting up and leaving Harry on the couch.

"Well Camila, first of all congratulations on winning the X Factor!"

"Thank you so much!"

"Harry's step father should be here soon. He just went out to get some soda to go with dinner tonight. Would you mind cutting up these vegetables for me?" She asked.

"Sure," I said and got to work.

A few minutes later I felt a pair of arms around my waist and lips on my neck.

"You're so beautiful," Harry whispered against my neck.

"And you're an idiot for kissing me when your mom and step dad are watching," I said.

He looked up and saw them standing in the kitchen doorway looking at him.

"When I came in here they weren't there!" He defended himself.

"Always been a flirt Harry," his mom said.

"Hi it's nice to meet you, I'm Camila," I said to Harry's step dad.

"Very nice to meet you, I'm Robin," he smiled.

"Well Anne these vegetables are done, what else can I do?"

"That's it sweetie, thank you for your help," she smiled.

I walked out to the living room and saw Harry sitting on the couch. I walked over and jumped on top of him and kissed him.

"My parents-"

"Are in the kitchen," I smiled and continued kissing him.

"Sneaky..I like it," he said.

"That's all you're getting for now," I said, moving to the seat next to him.

"For now?" He wiggled his eyebrows.


"I know, I know. I was kidding," he said.

He knew that I wanted to wait to have sex until marriage and he respected that. But he was a boy, and boys have their moments where they just get kind of...needy.

"Dinner's ready!" Anne yelled.

We walked in to the kitchen and sat down at the table.

"So tell us, how did you guys meet?" Anne asked us.

"Well you see, Camila here just wouldn't keep her eyes off of me and then she locked me in the bathroom-"

"Um excuse me but that is not how it happened. Your son here actually locked me in the girls bathroom until I agreed to date him," I said.

Anne just sat there with her mouth wide open staring at us.


"It's fine, it worked out for good though," I smiled.

"We are having a serious talk after dinner, young man," she said to him.

We ate and when we were done we all went to the living room to talk.

"How old are you Camila?" Robin asked me.


"15?!" He asked surprised.

"Y-yes," I stuttered.

"I thought you were at least 17!"

"Camila are you ready to go?" Harry asked me, walking out from the room that him and his mother were talking in.

"Yeah. It was very nice meeting you," I said to his parents.

"You too sweetie!" Anne said, hugging me.

"Well that went good," Harry said when we were in the car.

"Yeah it did."

After a few minutes, I couldn't stand the silence anymore.

"Do you think our age is a big deal?" I asked him.

"Why do you ask that?"

"Just wondering," I said.

"I don't think it is because we love eachother so age shouldn't matter," he said, keeping his focus on the road.

"Yeah I guess," I said.

"Babe whats wrong?"


"Camila don't lie to me, what's wrong?"

"Your step dad asked me how old I was and I told him I was 15 and he liked flipped," I said.

"He was probably just surprised because you look older."

" I guess so," I said.

Harry stopped the car and grabbed my hand.

"Look at me," he said.

I slowly turned my head and looked at him.

"I love you so much and age is not a problem for me and it shouldn't be for you either," he said, kissing me softly.

"I love you," I said to him.

"I love you took beautiful."

We walked into the hotel together and when we got to mine and my parents room, he kissed me goodnight.

"Goodnight, I love you," he said and I walked into the room.

"How was dinner sweetie?" My mother asked.

"It was good, his parents were really nice."

"Well that's good. Go and get your pajamas one and then I'll pray with you before you go to sleep. We have an early flight tomorrow," she said.

I walked into my room and took my phone out of my pocket. I saw that I had 1 new message from Niall so I opened it.

'Are we still on for the double date tomorrow night?'


I put my phone on silent and layed it on my dresser. I got dressed and then my parents prayed with me.

I layed in my bed thinking for a long time. I was scared to go home tomorrow because I knew that I would start work, with the girls, in a few days. And that would mean one big thing..paparazzi. I couldn't stand them. I was so self conscious and couldn't stand when people were criticising me. Hopefully they wouldn't be too bad. My phone lit up and I picked it up, reading the message from Harry.

'Goodnight beautiful, I love you so much. Xxxx'

With that, I fell asleep with a smile on my face

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