Chapter 23

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Camila's POV

"I think Niall likes Marielle," I said, as I folded the clothes that were on the bed with Harry.

"No, Niall's trying to distract himself from you," Harry said.

"What are you talking about?"

"You seriously haven't noticed how he looks at you? How he acts around you? Camila he's in love with you!" Harry said, starting to get a little bit angry.

"You're crazy, we're just good friends. Niall's like a brother to me."

"Well he sure doesn't think the same about you."

"Harry you're just paranoid," I said.

"Of what?!"

"He tried to steal me from you once, which turned out to be not be all his fault, and so now you're overly cautious."

"Of course I'm overly cautious, you're my girlfriend!" He said, raising his voice.

"But you don't need to keep me on a leash! You watch every move I make, you tell me who I can and can't jam out with! Why don't you just put a freakin tracking device in my phone so you can know where I am 24/7!" I yelled, clenching my fists.

"Maybe I should since you're acting like an immature child!" He screamed, moving closer.

"Immature?! You're telling me I'm immature because I want to be friends with guys? Well I'm not the one who used to sleep around with every single girl in sight!!" I yelled.

His face changed completely, and he didn't say anything. I knew I had hit a nerve and I immediately felt awful for it.

"You know how much I regret that," he whispered and left the room, slamming the door.

"Harry come bac-" I opened the door, but he was already gone.

"Everything okay?" Marielle asked, coming out of her room.

"Yeah just peachy," I said and closed the door.

Harry's POV

"I'll be there tomorrow afternoon," I said to my mom over the phone.

"Okay sweetie, are you sure everything's okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, just miss you a lot," I said.

"Okay love you, see you tomorrow!"

"Love you too," I said, and hung up the phone.

I sighed, letting my head fall back against the car seat. I couldn't believe Camila had said that to me. We had talked about my past and she told me that she had gotten over it.

I turned the key in the ignition and started on my way home.

I parked in the driveway and walked into the house.

"Hey Haz, where'd ya go?" Louis asked.

"Out," I answered and kept walking to my room.

I opened the door and saw Camila sitting there with tissues surrounding her, and tear stains on her face.

"Thank God you're back! Harry I'm so sorry!" She said.

"Okay," I said and grabbed my suitcase from the closet.

"What are you doing?" She asked.


"For where?! Harry we can work this out!" She cried.

"I'm going to stay with my mum for the rest of the break," I said, throwing clothes into the bag.

"But that's 2 weeks!"

"I just need some time to think," I said.

"Think? About what?" She said, a tear falling down her face.

"Us," I said, and started walking out with the bag.

"US?!? What does that mean?!" She yelled, following after me.

"It means I don't know how I feel anymore!" I boomed, turning around to face her.

"We've been fighting non stop lately and I can't take it anymore! I just...I think I need a break," I said.

" can't do this to me," she said, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, and left.

Niall's POV

I walked out to the kitchen to get some food when I saw Harry and Camila standing near the door, and Harry had his suitcase.

"You can't do this to me," Camila cried.

"I'm sorry," Harry said, and walked out.

Camila collapsed on the floor, in a mess of tears.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I ran to her.

"He ju-just broke up w-with me," she cried.

"He what?!?" I yelled.

"He said he wasn't sure how he felt anymore, and that we've been fighting too much."

"Oh my gosh, come here, sit down," I said, helping her up and bringing her over to the couch.

"I thought we were gonna be together forever. I mean, he gave me this promise ring. Does it mean nothing to him?! Do I mean nothing to him?!" She cried.

"He's just confused, he loves you so much Camila, I know it," I rubbed her back, trying to get her to stop crying.

"No he doesn't. If he did, he wouldn't have left me. I knew I wasn't good enough for him, I knew from the beginning that this was all too good to be true," she said, and walked to her room shutting the door.

"But you are good enough, you're more than good enough," I said to myself after she left

"And Harry Styles, you just lost your chance with one of the most amazing girls ever."

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