Chapter 18

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Camila's POV

"What?" Ally asked, and the boy she was with turned around.

"Oh my gosh I am so're not Niall," I apologized.

"No I'm Trevor, you must be Camila," he smiled.

"Yeah, and this is um my..." I didn't know what to call Harry.

"My best friend, Harry," I said finally.

I looked at Harry and he looked like he had just been shot.

"Nice to meet you guys," Trevor smiled.

"This is my boyfriend," Ally said.

"Well I kind of figured that since we walked in on you making out," I laughed.

"Haha very funny, now leave," she said.

"Okay okay we're going," I said, and we both walked into my room.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked Harry.

"Not really, I think I'm gonna head to bed," he said.

What was wrong with him?

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Nope, everything's peachy."

"That's the stupidest excuse I've ever heard, tell me what's wrong," I said.

"Am I really just your best friend?" He asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"You just told Trevor that I was your best friend," he said.

"Oh, I didn't even realize I had said that," I looked down.

"I guess I'm still trying to get used to the whole boyfriend thing, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I just thought you really meant it," he said, coming closer and giving me a hug.

"You try living my life right now. I have no memory of who any of you are, I'm just living here because my parents trust you guys enough to leave me here," I laughed.

"Very true," he laughed with me.

"How about that movie?" He asked.

"I'm actually really tired, so I'm gonna go to bed," I said.

"Kay goodnight beautiful," Harry said and kissed me on the forehead.

I got myself ready for bed and laid down and fell asleep instantly.


I woke up, extremely thirsty and having to use the bathroom. I looked at the clock and saw that it was only 4 AM so I got up and used the bathroom and then went to the kitchen for a drink. As I walked into the kitchen, I heard talking. I looked around the corner and saw Niall on the phone.

"But I can't keep doing this Camila and Harry!" He said.

Well, now that I knew he was talking about me, I had to stay and listen, right?

"Please, I don't want to keep trying to split them up! They're so happy together! Why wouldn't you want that for them?"

"No Simon, I'm done. I've pretended to be the bad guy for long enough, you can find someone else to do this little job for you but I quit," he said and hung up.

I walked to the fridge, as if I hadn't heard anything, to get a water bottle.

"Oh hey," Niall said.

"Hey, why you up so early?" I asked.

"Phone call."

After I got my water bottle, I walked over to Niall and grabbed him in a hug.

"I'm proud of you for quitting," I smiled and started to walk away.

"You heard?"

"Yeah," I smiled.

"I'm really sorry for everything I've done to you and Harry these past few months," he said and looked down, not meeting my gaze.

"Well I can't exactly remember everything you've done to us but I forgive you," I laughed.

I walked back to bed and went back to sleep with the biggest smile on my face.

That morning, we all decided to have breakfast together. And for some reason, we decided to let Louis make it.

"Okay! Breakfast is served!" He yelled.

We all sat down and started filling up our plates.

"Um before everyone eats, I just wanted to say something," Niall said.

"I talked to Camila this morning so--"

"You what?" Harry hissed, and got up, about to lunge at Niall.

"Harry, let him talk," I said.

"I talked to her and I already apologized to her. So Harry, I wanted to say I'm sorry for all the crap I've put you and Camila through these past few months," he said.

"So you just all of the sudden decided to apologize?" Harry asked rudely.

"Harry," I hissed at him.

"Actually I think you guys deserve to know why I did that. Simon put me up to it, he doesn't want you two together, so he thought that if I got in between you two then you would finally break up. It worked the first time but of course you guys love eachother too much to stay apart," he smiled and started eating.

"That's it!" Harry yelled and got up.

Niall's eyes widened and he ran out of the dining room.

"Where's he going?" Harry asked.

"He probably thought you were going to attack him or something," I said.

"I'm going to see Simon," Harry said, and left, slamming the door.

"I-is he gone?" Niall stuttered.

"Yeah he's gone," I laughed.

Harry's POV

I walked into the office bulding and headed straight for Simon's office. Once I got there, I opened the door and walked right up to his desk.


He looked shocked and he just stared at me for a second, before getting that fierce look on his face again.

"You guys need to break up. Your relationship is bad for both of your bands. You're just being selfish, you're not thinking about your band members," he said.

"Our band members completely support our relationship!"

"This is for real this time Harry. Either you break up with Camila for good, or you're out of the band," he said.

Without any hesitation, I said it.

"I choose Camila, I'll always choose her."

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