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I stood there in the circle of his arms, my heart pounding wildly in my chest, but I should never feel this way, because this is Jake Forger, and finally, we're friends. I can't jeopardize that friendship because of my stupid crush on him. But his words... 

"You are worth waiting for."

I hugged him back and buried my face in his chest. He smelled of fresh apples and a hint of cheese, but I didn't care. I wanted to remember this moment for the rest of my life. Then, I let go before he feels the beating of my heart.

I plastered a smile on my face. 

"Thank you, Jake."

He just looked at me for a moment, a moment that lasted forever, a moment which I captured in my memory. And then he matched my smile.

"Thank you for telling me, but I need to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"Do you still like him?"

Do I still like Nicko? I didn't know how to answer that question,so I told Jake the truth.

"I don't know."

"I understand," Jake said sincerely.

Then, he frowned as his eyes travelled south. I tugged at my dress.

"I haven't had the need to wear dresses in a long time." I mumbled.

"But this," he said, tugging on the hem of my dress, "isn't very far from this." He pointed at the apex of my thighs. I swatted his hand away.


"What? I just hope you're wearing nice panties."

I punched him in the arm. He laughed at me.


Monday came. I haven't seen Jake the entire weekend. I wondered what he was doing but he didn't respond to my texts either. I didn't bother calling him. He'd think I'm that needy clingy best friend. It was the last week of classes before Christmas break and the weather was being awfully cold. As usual, Kyle drove me to school but he was looking awfully distracted. We parted by the school entrance. Jake was stillnowhere in sight. I was suddenly creeped out. Did something about what I told him on Friday creep him out? Doesn't he want to be friends anymore? I stopped by my locker and headed over to class. Still no sign of Jake. Suddenly, his voice sounded over the PA system.

"Attention, everyone! This is Jake Forger speaking on behalf of the varsity soccer team. There's a little something we've been preparing for over the weekend. Please proceed to the school auditorium before the bell rings. I repeat, this is a general assembly."

Through the crowd of people surging towards the auditorium, a hand closed around mine.

"Meg! Thank God!"

We entered the auditorium and took a seat at the very back. Secretly, I was thankful that Meg chose to sit beside me instead of up front with all the other cheerleaders. I noticed there were students from other schools present as seen from the variety of uniforms.

"Ohmigod, I'm so excited!" Meg whisper-exclaimed.

"Excited for?" I asked puzzled. Meg looked at me like I've suddenly grown another head.

"You don't know why we're here, do you?"          

"Should I?"

"It's been the talk of town since Friday night! I can't believe Kyle didn't tell you! Or Jake! I knew I should have called you,  if only Mom hadn't grounded me!"

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