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Ehrmehrgehrd. I tried rereading Chapter Seven. I'm like...

Chapter Seven: 1 Read

Me: Was that me?

No one's reading this story :( i think? I won't give up though :) I just want to try writing :) Mehe ♥



Finally! It's Friday. Talk about T.G.I.F. I was starting to wonder if she was mad at me. She seemed to be avoiding me all the time. I walked out of the locker rooms saying a final good bye to the guys. I pulled out my phone checking for her text. There was nothing. I ruffled my wet hair and got into my car. The last I had an actual conversation with her was last Friday. Sure, we saw each other at lunch but we didn't even get to talk, not even about the auction where I swear I saw her bid for me.

Would she do that?

Would Dylan really bid for me?

I sighed and drove down the now familiar streets. I debated on whether to call her or not. It was crazy how I could miss Dylan even just after a week. I decided to head on home for a few moments just to get a little work done.

I parked my car in the garage and jogged into the house. My mother was sitting on the couch, watching TV. She looked up when she saw me and smiled real big.

"Hi," she said, "How was soccer practice?"

I sighed with relief, thankful that this is one of those few good days.

"It was great, Mom. How was your day?" I asked sitting beside her.

"I worked all day in the garden. Winter is coming and I had to prepare some of the tropical plants so that they might survive," she told me.

"Are you tired?" I asked her.

"Very much, but it's a good kind of tired. Do you have plans tonight?" she asked.

"I'm not sure. Why? You want me to stay home?"

"No, no, I'm heading off to bed early anyway. You have fun tonight, Jake."

I kissed her forehead. She was almost near tears when she whispered.

"I love you, Jake."

"Love you too, Mom."

My mother is sick. She doesn't have some fatal disease or something, but she's an alcoholic. She's almost always drunk, but I guess I can't blame her after everything she's been through.

I went up the stairs up to my room and shut the door behind me. I booted up my laptop and sat down on my desk. Might as well get started with the paperwork.


I couldn't concentrate. I felt this urge to check my phone every few minutes until I couldn't bear it anymore. I called her, not caring if I appeared so desperate. I just really need a break tonight. Anything.

Her phone rang and rang but Dylan didn't answer. I was about to dial her home number when my phone rang. Thinking it was her, I picked up immediately.

"Dyl, I-"

"Jake, it's Trey. There's a party at my house tonight. You need to get here ASAP!"


"Just come over, man! There are hot chicks here waiting for you."

Trey hung up on me. I tried calling Dylan's house first. Her little brother Robbie answered saying that Dylan wasn't home. I left a message for Dylan to call me back as soon as she comes home. I tried going back to my work but I simply cannot concentrate. I stood up abruptly and decided to go on over to Trey's. Fine. Dylan can go ignore me all she wants.


I stepped into Trey's house. It was a typical high school party. Red plastic cups were everywhere. Loud music was blasting from speakers. Drunk people were talking really loudly with each other. Really drunk people were dancing on the dance floor. And really really drunk people were making out on the dance floor.

"Forger! Over here!"

Trey and the guys seemed drunk already. I made my way towards them. Kyle wasn't around, I noticed. Girls were staring at me. One sashayed over and put her hand on my chest.

"You wanna dance?" she asked.

I gave her a polite smile. I just wasn't raised to be rude to girls. 

"Maybe later," I told her. 

"Okay, but that's a promise."

"Sure," I told her and she walked away. I crossed the room to where Trey and the others were lounging on the couches. Nicko was already passed out. Pathetic. 

"Hey guys," I greeted them, slamming fists and giving around high fives. They seemed to be talking about something when I came.

"Where is he? I thought he said this was an emergency meeting?"

"He who?"

"Kyle, we already got Nicko passed out and now he isn't even here yet."

"Has anyone tried calling him?"


I rolled my eyes and decided to call Kyle, still thinking of Dylan. If Kyle wasn't here, could Dylan be with him? 

The phone rang and was quickly answered.

"Jake!" It was Dylan's voice.

"Dyl, are you with Kyle?"

"Yes, please help us!" she began rapidly, "We're stuck in the middle of nowhere and my cell phone's dead and Kyle doesn't have credit. Could you please come get us?"

"Okay, I'll come as soon as I can. Which road?"

"We were coming home from the pizza place since Mom and Dad are out."

We hung up and I told the guys about the situation. Fletcher insisted to come with me so he and I jumped into my car and we went in search of the McKennas. Trey followed in his pick-up truck just in case. We drove to the pizza place and traced the road to the McKennas' house. We spotted Kyle's white car in the middle of the road. Thank god there weren't much cars in this side of town. Who knows what could have happened?

As soon as I parked the truck and climbed out, Dylan ran into my arms. I hugged her back. To me, it felt like the most natural thing in the world, having Dylan in my arms. Then, we quickly let go, noticing the smiles of the guys. We all climbed into my car while Fletcher went to accompany Trey in his truck.

"Are you okay?" I asked Dylan.

"Yeah," she answered.

"Hey, I was stuck out here too. Where's my hug and "are you okay"?" Kyle mocked.

I laughed at him but immediately turned back to Dylan.

"Are we okay?" I asked nervously.

"Why wouldn't we be?"

"Dyl, you've been avoiding me all week. You didn't think I'd notice?" I asked.

"You've been really busy, Jake. I thought after that thing on Friday, you were keeping away from me." 

"Are you kidding me?" 

She just looked at me.

"There's nothing you can say or do which will keep me away from you," I told her, " You're stuck with me, Dylan."

She finally smiled at me and I realized that what I said was the truth. This girl is special, although often overlooked. She's strong, smart, brave and cute, but she doesn't realize any of that. Sometimes, Iwonder, how can someone be so perfect and not realize it at all? I know that whatever happens, Dylan's got my back and hell yeah, I'd catch her everytime she falls. Nothing would keep me away from her.

"You guys just go date each other already!" Kyle exclaimed.

Dylan and I laughed. 

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