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Mehehe I'm just sort of winging the story now. No plans whatsoever. I just have this ending in my head and I'm trying to find a way to make ends meet. Literally. :)) Bear with me?

Owkkkaaayyy. I've never really been drunk before so I'm just running on what my imagination tells me. :>



Uggghh. Sunlight. Why must you ruin everything? Ugggghhh. Eyelids. Why you so freakin' heavy? Headache. Please shut up. Back. You are killing me. I feel like an old man. I tried to not wake up but I knew I had to. I was so thirsty and I couldn't feel my tongue anymore. Water.

I finally opened my eyes... to a mess of tangled reddish brown hair.

Dylan was actually sleeping next to me. Huh. Dylan does have beautiful hair. It's auburn sometimes and reddish brown sometimes, especially under the sun. This feels a lot like deja vu, thinking about Dylan's hair. I was probably at their house, but how?

I crawled closer to Dylan and tucked a tendril of her hair behind her ears. I found myself looking at her ... and getting closer... and closer.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes.

I pulled back before I scared her and she sat upright.

"Hey," I croaked, wincing from the pain in my throat.

"Hey," she said reaching over to her bedside table and handing me  a tumbler of water.

I accepted it graciously and drank greedily. From her tumblr. Dylan must drink from this thing. We're having an indirect kiss. What the hell, Jake? Are you in the first grade?!



I kissed Dylan.

I choked on my water and started coughing.

"Are you alright?" Dylan asked me, concerned. I nodded.

What's wrong with me? I kissed Dylan then I made out with another girl at a party.  Then seconds ago, I almost kissed her again. I must be more hungover than I thought. 

"How'd I get here?" I asked.

"Fletcher called me to get you and Nicko drove us home."


"I need you to hide out here though."

"Uhm, why?"

"My parents don't know you're here," she said, guiltily. I noticed she wouldn't look me in the eye.

"You snuck out last night?" I asked incredulously.

"I know, I don't know what possessed me either," she murmured. 

"I'm so sorry, Dylan," I told her. I didn't know what I was more sorry for, troubling her this much or kissing another girl. But wait. It's not like she's my girlfriend or anything. Why am I so guilty anyway?

"It's okay, that's what friends are for, right?" Dylan said, smiling at me. I was so grateful for that smile.

I tried to smile back despite my guilt but my headache probably made me look like a crazy hyena. 

"You want to change out of those?" She said pointing to my stained clothes. "I'm not sure if that's beer or puke or something else entirely."

I tried to crack a joke to lessen the awkwardness.

"Want to see me naked?"

She slapped my arm. Phew. Things were back to normal. Sort of. I knew I had to talk to her about the kiss. I have a feeling pretending it didn't happen wouldn't work out for us.

Dylan stood up to get some clothes from her closet. She tossed me an oversized shirt and some baggy shorts.

"I can't believe you actually wear these," I commented taking off my shirt.

Dylan was sitting on the floor, her back to me. That little puritan.

"Hey, no complaining. Those are Kyle's old clothes, either those or nothing!"

"I think you'll enjoy me wearing nothing."

I couldn't see her face but she must've rolled her eyes. I finished dressing and I stuffed my dirty clothes on the paper bag she gave me.

"I could take you shopping as payback." I offered.

"I don't need new clothes," she replied getting up.

"I think you do," I told her.

She glared at me. Somehow, my pounding headache got worse. I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Are you okay?" she asked again.

I did my crazy hyena smile on her.

"What's with that weird expression?"

"Sorry. Headache."

"Oh right. You're hangover."

"You've never been drunk before, have you?"

She shook her head. 

"Kyle always drinks coffee and sleeps all day when he does have one though. I'll go get you some breakfast. Go wait in the bed."

I gingerly climbed on her bed.

"Oooh, Dylan, you shouldn't talk like that, you bad girl."

I laughed at the expression on her face.

"You have such a dirty mind!" 

Dylan drew the curtains hut to my relief and went out the door. I fell asleep again shortly after that.


I woke up feeling a little better. Dylan was sitting on the edge of her bed, her nose buried in another novel. I nudged her with my foot. She faced me, a little startled.

"You sleep like a log. I couldn't wake you up," Dylan said.

She walked over to her desk and brought a tray in front of me. I sat up and she set it on my lap. There was coffee in a thermos, still hot, some toast, eggs, and bacon. 

"Mmm, this smells real good," I said as I dig in.

"Okay, it is real good," I said.

"I made them," she beamed.

I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Sure it's not poisoned?"

"Trust me, I was tempted."

I smiled and finished eating. Dylan was watching me the whole time.



"About the kiss..."

"Oh that. I know, it wasn't a big deal. Accidents happen, right?"

"But Dyl..."

"No, seriously, I get it. Don't worry about it, Jake."

The way she was brushing it off somehow bothered me. I had no idea why but there was something weird about it. The truth was I didn't know what to say. I had no idea how to react or something so it was easier to let it go.

"Are we okay?"

"Sure, we are."

Dylan smiled at me, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

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