Chapter 23

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Makayla's POV:

These three weeks have passed by in a blur. Today is Sunday and tomorrow I will be going to school for the first time ever. I'm so excited but I'm also kinda scared. I don't know what people will think of me. I just really want them to like me.

Over these three long weeks, all of my cuts and bruises have healed. Even my rainbow looking ribs have healed. There still a little bit sore but Bryson said that that should be better in about a week.

My ankle is also much better. I no longer have to limp around. The best thing though is my scars are fading. Thanks to that cream that Bryson gave me most of my scars have faded, some have even disappeared.

Over time my appetite has definitely grown. Bryson still say that I need to eat more but I can finish most of my food now.

Over these three weeks I've spent a lot of time with my brothers. They've thought me how to play some videos, we've watched a lot of movies and even played some more bord games.

I also found a gigantic library in here that was practically untouched. I've spent a lot of time there. They even let me do some bowling. It took a lot of convincing and puppy dog eyes but Bryson finally said that I could.

The only problem that I've had over these past few week is that fact that my brothers all treat me like a China doll. Some of them do it more the others, but at the end of the day the all do it.

Bryson is the worst about it though. Before I do anything he has to approve it and make sure that it's not too dangerous or I that can handle it. Don't get me wrong, the fact that he even cares enough to think about me is amazing. I just wish that I wasn't consistently reminded of my past.

Ethan was also pretty bad at it. Whenever he's around he never lets me to anything fun, or really anything besides lay around and eat. Anytime I'm doing anything he watch's me like an eagle for any sign that I'm hurt or in pain.

Dylan and the twins aren't to bad about it. They never really say anything but the see the looks they give me, Anytime I can't finish my food. Or the way that their eyes alway travel to my ankle when I walk to make sure that I'm not limping.

Again don't get me wrong, I love my brothers and it feels great that they care about me. I know that most people would think that I'm crazy for complaining about being able to you lay around all day and eat.

But the thing is, I've spent my entire life stuck in a small house with an abusive man. I've finally escaped and I want to live a little, ya know. I want to be a normal teenage girl, but that's kind of hard when your treated like a fragile doll and constantly reminded of your awful past.

The only brother who doesn't treat me like a fragile doll is Archer. If where being honest though that's because I never really see him. Most nights he's at dinner before he disappears again. If Im really lucky I might catch a glimpse of him around the house heading to the forbidden floor or the basement. And on rare occasions I might see him in the kitchen for breakfast.

Spending so much time with my brothers I've figured them out. I've even figured out Archer for the little bits of time that we've been in the same room.

Archer is always serous. He very rarely smiles and he never shows any affection. Everybody in the house respects him and does what he says. He spends most of his time working and only owns suits. I think I'm still trying to figure out that last part.

Ethan, like all of my other brothers, looks big and scary. But he's actually a giant teddy bear. He's like the mom for all of us. He's always there when you need someone to talk to or even just a hug.

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