Chapter 30

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Makayla POV:

I went straight up to my room to start on my homework after telling my brothers goodbye Thankfully I didn't have to much homework, but there was still some to do.

I sat down at my desk and pulled out the math homework that I had already started. I made it to question ten out of twenty. I took out my phone and plugged in my headphones.

I clicked on my Taylor swift playlist and began to start on my work. Maybe I should listen to other peoples music.

I finished my homework fairly quickly. When I looked at the clock I realized that I had a whole hour till dinner. I decided to change my clothes.

I headed into my closet and got a new pair of clothes. I took of the clothes that I was wearing all day and replaced it with black leggings and a grey hoodie with some words on it.

Speaking of hoodies I just realized that i still have Atlas's hoodie in my backpack. I'll just give it back to him tomorrow. I threw my old clothes into my hamper before jumping into my bed.

I was going threw my phone when I decided to get Instagram. I herd people talking about it today and I want to fit in.

I downloaded the app and then started to make my profile. I filled out all of the information before taking a quick selfie and adding it to my profile.

Once It was set up I started looking threw the app. After about fifteen minutes I managed to find Sophe, Lilly, Thomas and Atlas's profiles.

I followed all of them and was now scrolling threw Atlas's account. I'm not stalking him, I'm just bored. I made sure not to like any of his pictures though so that he doesn't know that I was looking.

Most of his pictures are him playing football or basketball. Not that I'm complaining he does look really good in a uniform, or just in general. Oh my god I sound ridiculous right now. I can't have a crush on him, that would be so awkward.

After another five minutes i left his profile and decided to just watch some Netflix. I was watch this show called Julie and the Phantoms when the alarm that I set on my phone went off.

I set the alarm for my self in case I fell asleep. The alarm was five minimum before dinner so I had enough time to get down there.

I quickly turned off my phone and made my way down stairs. All of my brothers except Archer, where seated at the table when I arrived. I took my usual seat next to Bryson and across from Luke.

Both Luke and Liam where wear hoodies, which is Unusual. Most of the time Luke and Liam walk around shirtless or at the mist with a think T-shirt on. So the fact the they are both wearing a hoodie today while the weather is the same as it always is confuses me.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Archer entered the room, taking his usual seat. Once Archer took a bite of his food everyone else began to dig in.

Unlike the savages around me, I calmly started to eat my beef Wellington and mac & cheese. By the time that I managed to finish my small portion all of my brothers had already eaten two very larger portions.

Once I finished the last little bit of food on my plate I took it over to the sink. I put it in the dishwasher before heading over to the living room. Bryson and both of the twins where already in here watching tv.

I flopped down on the couch next to Bryson. "Hello principessa" Bryson greeted me with a warm smile. "Hey Bryson, what are we watching" I inquired. (Princess)

"Just some basketball but we can put on a movie if you want" Luke added. "Can we" I asked him with a bright, hopeful smile on my face. Don't get me wrong it's not that I don't like basketball, I just don't like basketball. I hate watching it unless I know someone on the team.

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