Chapter 12

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Makayla's POV:


"Wake up you stupid bitch" I herd someone scream. Just then I felt a sharp pain in my side. My eyes shot open only to find Sir standing above me, glaring down at me.

"I...I'm so...sorry sir" I stuttered out. "Stop stuttering you pathetic little slut" he screamed in my face. His harsh words where followed by an even harsher slap to the face.

My head whipped to the side from the force behind the slap. I hissed in pain and immediately cursed myself for doing so. Whenever I made any sound Sir would beat me worse. He liked seeing me in pain, and when I made any sound it only encouraged him.

I peaked up at him, and I found him with a wicked smirk on his face. "What did I tell you about making sounds bitch" he said.

I felt his cold slimy hands wrap around my throat. He picked me up by my throat and slammed me into a wall. I started to choking, I scratched at his hands doing whatever I could to get air into my lungs.

I woke up with a start. I was coughing, and my hands where around my throat. I slowly pealed my heads away from my throat and took a huge gulp of air.

My sheets where thrown everywhere, I was sweating like crazy and my ribs hurt worse then it did the day before. I looked over at my clock only to find that it was 2:27 in the morning.

I don't think that I'm gonna be able to go back to sleep so I may as well just head down stair. It's not like I gonna see anyone while I'm down there so I decided that I wasn't gonna put any make up on.

I opened my door slowly so that I didn't wake up any of my brothers. I quietly limped up the hallway and down the stairs. I was heading towards the kitchen so that I could "eat" breakfast, when I herd the front door open and close.

I hid in the kitchen praying that who ever just came in wouldn't go in there. I herd two pairs of footsteps going up the stairs. Once I could no longer hear the footsteps I let out a shaky breath.

I really didn't want to explain to anyone what I was doing down here this early in the morning. That would only end up with them asking questions that I don't want to answer.

I quickly grabbed a glass of water and drank it all. I filled it up again before, again, finishing off the glass.

Once I finished that glass I filled it up one more time in case I wanted something to drink later. I carefully crept back up to my room, with the glass of water still in my hand.

As I was walking down the hallway where everyone's rooms where located, I noticed that Dylan's do was cracked open. The light was also on and I could hear voices coming from the other side.

I knew it was wrong to eavesdrop and I wasn't going to. I was walking past his door when I herd my name. "Makayla doesn't belong here" someone sneered from the other side of the door.

"I wish she would just go back to where she came from" a different voice who I recognize as Dylan said. Hearing him say that felt like I was being punched in the gut.

"It wasn't smart for Archer to bring here her" the other voice stated. The more and more the I herd the voice the more I thought it was probably Liam.

That doesn't sound like Bryson or Ethan. I don't think that Archer is the kind of person to talk about himself in the third person, I know I already herd Dylan, and Luke usually sounds a lot happier then this. So by process of elimination, this had to be Liam.

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