Chapter 6

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Makayla's POV

I slowly followed Mr. Ethan out of my amazing bedroom and down the hall. His long legs where making me have to slightly jog to keep up with him but thankfully he noticed and slowed down his pace for me.

As we where making our way down the stairs I herd yelling. "What is she doing here. She doesn't belong here" the angry voice yelled. I froze in my spot and started shaking. Yelling means angry people and angry people like to hurt others.

Mr. Ethan also stopped a few steps in front of me. I saw his fist ball up turning his knuckles white. Without even looking back he grabbed my hand a pulled me down the rest of the stairs and into the kitchen.

I was to scared to look up so instead I studied everyone's shoes. I found Archer's black fancy leather shoes. There was also a similar pair but they where brown. The other three pairs of shoes all looked to be designer sneakers.

I fell so out of place here with all of this expensive stuff. I don't deserve to live her and I know they only to me in out of pity. I could feel Mr. Ethan standing behind me, still angry about something.

I wanted to step away from him but I know that running away from a punishment will only make it worse. Therefore I remained frozen in my spot.

"Look baby I'm about to cover your ears but just remember if you some how mange to hear and of these words you are not to repeat them. Ok" he asked.

I simply nodded my head and he placed his large hands over my ears. "Ok look you mother fucking dick, she is or little sister who we a love dearly. There is no other place for her to be expect right here with her fucking family dumbass" i herd Mr. Ethan yell even through his hands.

Man if this is how my nicest brother is when he's mad I would sure hate to see the rest of them when the upset. His hands remained on my ears as the other person responded.

"I don't care it's not safe for her to be here. She should go back into whatever fucking hole she crawled out off" the person said. I wanted to cry at his harsh words but I couldn't let him see that his words where affecting me.

"ENOUGH" I herd the cold voice of Mr. Archer growl out. He then spoke in a much lower voice witch, thanks to the hands covering my ears I couldn't understand what he said.

Mr. Ethan family removed his hands from my ears and lead me to the dinner table. I sat down next to him and the brown fancy shoe guy.

"Look up princess" I herd Mr. Ethan whisper I my ear. I obeyed him, carefully lifting my head to the living gaze of a young boy.

He definitely older then me but you could tell that he was still in high school. The boy had light blue eyes that where hazel in the out side. His hair was dark brown and curlyish/ waveish just like mine.

He was wearing a red short sleeved button up and a warm smile. "I think we should all introduce ourselves" Mr. Archer spoke. You could hear the underlined order in his tone.

"Right, well hey I'm Luke this doofus's twin" he laughed nodding his head towards the guys sitting next to him. You could definitely tell that they where Twins. The only difference I could spot was the small scar running through the eyebrow of the twins Who's name I've yet to learn.

"That's William but you can just call him Liam. Where seventeen and where juniors" he finished introducing him and his twin.

"Hey sunshine I'm Bryson your third oldest brother. I'm twenty-two years old and am currently taking the last few class that I need for medical school" the boy if the fancy brown shoes said next to me.

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