Chapter 1

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There is no one I love more than Izuku. We started dating in our second year of high school. For real this time though. We stayed a happy couple and got married two years after we graduated. Now, we have been married for six years.

We both have become professional heroes. Mostly everyone in my class from UA has. Aoyama moved to France and there he is one of the most popular heroes there. In France he is ranked Number 3. 

Mineta failed at becoming a hero, but he became a sort of business man. To be honest, he was expelled. He also grew to be 5'2. Still a pervert but he managed to get a girlfriend. One didn't last long, but the second is still with him. Surprisingly. 

Koda also failed at becoming a hero, but is highly respected that it seems as if he's a hero. He is the head of a company that he started. It's for animals. He rescues, protects, and more.

Sato had a major accident that caused him to be forced to drop out of UA. Well, it was a really bad car accident. He saved his mother but that was what caused him to drop out. Now he is a baker. We usually go there a lot. It is so so so good!

Tokoyami and Tsu eventually got married and have been for about two years. They just had their child one month ago. He is adorable! Tokoyami is the number 14 hero and Tsu (Froppy) is number 23. Tsu mostly does her work by the coast though.

Kaminari and Jiro also got married too. They have been for seven years. They have two boys. One is older than the other by three years. They said that they might have another soon. Kaminari is number 8 and Jiro is number 9.

One person that I haven't heard of is Bakugo. He graduated and everything. Even had honors when he graduated. Then, one day, it was just like he disappeared. No one knows where he is. Is he a hero somewhere else? I'm not sure.

Everyone else in my class became a hero though. Kirishima  (Red Riot) is number 7, Iida is number 15, Izuku is number 1, Yao-Momo is 4, Ojiro is 37, Hagakure is 42, Todoroki is 2, Sero is number 54, Ashido is at 29, Shoji at 90, and I am number 11.

Remember when I said that I loved Izuku more than anyone? Well, that wasn't completely true. There is someone else whom I love just about the same or even more. He makes me feel all happy whenever I see him. His name is Natsu. 

The reason why I love him so much is because he's my son. Natsu just turned two years old. He hasn't shown any sign of a quirk yet but we know he'll get one due to an x-ray he took. Now, whenever I look at him my heart melts.

He sometimes goes to play with Todoroki and Momo's daughter. They have four children and two of them are twins, boy and girl. Kaminari and Jiro's younger son sometimes come along to play with them. 

Now I'm here at home, sitting on the couch watching tv. Izuku is out doing hero work and I have to take care of Natsu. He should be home in about ten minutes. The news got boring pretty quickly. There was just reports about weather or caught villains in the past.

I must've fell asleep because I wake up to is someone poking me. Izuku. "Hello Ochaco. I'm home." He smiled down at me who was sitting on the couch. He handed me some flowers he got for me. "Here ya go."

"Thanks Izuku. How was work?" I wasn't on shift today for that long so when Izuku was with Natsu in the morning that was when I was gone. We didn't really get to see each other until the evening.

"It was alright. I caught a robber today but he punched me in my arm. Didn't hurt much though. Oh! And I got a call from Iida. He said that him and his new fiancé finally got settled in their new home."

This was news to me. "When did Iida get engaged? I never heard of him getting engaged? Was it to Kia?" I was actually surprised to hear this. Iida must be letting loose a little then.

"Yep. I thought you heard. We were on call with him two weeks ago saying he got engaged. They had a plan to move in before they were engaged and then afterwards he proposed to her before they moved in."


My response made him laugh. "Come here Ochaco." He sat on the other end of the couch with his arms opened wide. I laid down against him as he stroked my hair. "I love you Ochaco."

"I love you too Izuku." We stayed there for awhile and fell sleep. That was until we heard crying from Natsu's room. 

"Do you want to get it or-"

"I'll get it Ochaco. I haven't seen my boy since early in the morning." He got up and left towards Natsu's room. I decided to follow him anyways though.

He had been asleep and gotten up on his own. He stubbed his toe on the bed post. Izuku swopped him up in his arms and calmed him down. "Hey Natsu! It's going to be okay. Daddy's home now." Eventually Natsu calmed down.

"Daddy!" Izuku smiled when he said that. Natsu has my brown hair and eyes, but besides that he looks the rest like Deku.

"Go to sleep now. I'll see you in the morning." He placed him down and tucked him in the  gently kissing Natsu on the forehead. Silently he went out the room and closed the door halfway. We walked to our room which was just right across the hallway. We went in and left the door halfway open just like we did with Natsu's room.

Deku took off his shirt and changed his pants before climbing into bed with me. We laid together, his arm over my body. It made me feel warm inside. Sometimes I think back to the days when we were nervous around each other and seeing how far we've come along. I smile silently to myself.

Deciding to break the silence I ask Izuku, "So, what are you doing tomorrow for work?"

He answered quickly so I knew he was still awake. "Well tomorrow I am meeting I have to do some training in a simulation. I'm going with Kaminari and some of the people from both our agencies. Not everyone is going so there will only be seven of us."

 When he talks about the simulation I think about how advanced our world over the last few years. Now heroes can go inside simulations and train whenever they want. We all have done it before and it was pretty cool.

"That seems nice. Tomorrow I have to go see about some daycares for Natsu. Jiro is coming with me. After that I have to come home and take care if the house." I took a deep sigh. "These last few days have been tiring. I haven't even done a ton if hero work. But I'm fine with how it's all going."

I turned around in the bed and put my hand on his face and he grabbed my hand in return. "I know I say this a lot, but I really love you."

"Haha I know. I love you too Ochaco." He wrapped my arms around me and kissed me a few times. He always made me feel warm inside and safe within his strong embrace. We fell asleep in our bed together.

12:00 am. We woke up to someone small crawling in the bed. "Mommy? Daddy?" Natsu. He seemed to have a small fright in his voice.

"Natsu? Is that you?"

"What's wrong Natsu?" Deku must have been woken up too. When we both responded to him he hugged us around the neck the best he could. "Nightmare?"

He looked at us both through the dim moonlight. It was like he was about to cry. And about a few seconds later he did. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. "What's wrong Natsu?" He didn't respond.

"Do you want to sleep with us?" Izuku asked Natsu. He nodded. Izuku placed one arm over the both of us and soon enough we all fell asleep.

Since He's Gone... // Kacchaco // Bakugo x OchacoWhere stories live. Discover now