Author's Note (2)

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So I am DEFINITELY going to continue this story! Sorry it took so long but I was forced by myself to go onto a sudden hiatus >~< thankfully I'm doing a little better!

It was debatable for a little while due to a hectic year and TONS of family drama that increased plus my mental health has been at one of it's worse (not depression-wise though I'm still working on that) but I'm starting to get back on my feet again. Depending on how something goes I might not write something but hoping my test results (mental and other health problems too and it's exhausting) back good and my school ones too since I have 12-15 classes plus my PSAT scores.

I'll be getting back to this story as soon as possible! I was going to try and finish other chapter but suddenly got swamped with testing and then more school programs it made it hard to write ._.

Please stick with me though as I continue to update this book! I promise that I shall never let this book drop and if I go on hiatus again I'll try to send out another A/N !

Thanks for hearing this out and hopefully I can get the next chapter out soon or along my winter break!

-the writer of this random story lmao

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