Chapter 4

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The machine kept making noises that ticked me off. The doctors had already brought Izuku in the hospital but he was placed in the ICU due to the amount of injuries he had. In all his life, according to the doctors, he never had injuries as bad as these. That included school. Hearing that I already knew that it was bad.

It was already an entire day since the incident and there was still no lead on the villain or whoever it was who hacked into the system. I had gotten news that four people already died from that incident. There was only Deku, Kaminari, and one other person who they both saved just in time. These three were the only ones still alive. For now.

Natsu had asked where his daddy was and I had no choice but to lie to him. "He's on patrol. I know he promised to do something fun but if he works these extra hours then he'll get more money so we could have more fun!" It felt terrible lying to my son. He didn't know what happened and if he did he pretended he didn't. Today he was back at school but I didn't see Jiro there. Until earlier she texted me that her sons wanted to stay the night with the Todoroki's and she let them, knowing what was going on. Natsu heard and wanted to join tonight so I packed his bag and let him go. 




I checked his heart rate on the machine but each time looked a feeling worse than before kept hitting me inside. Nothing was going good for him right now. Doctors kept on coming in and out nonstop now. I stayed in a small corner watching them work. I prayed and prayed for Deku to return back to normal health or for him to at least live. 

Tears started streaming down my cheeks as I watched the doctors soon become frantic. Please! Please let him live! I said quietly to myself. Please! I'm begging you! 

The hospital room was a normal sized but with only one bed but it became pretty cramped with everyone in here. That didn't stop a lady with white hair come through. "Midoriya?" She asked me as she approached me. The sight of her white hair made me think of Todoroki's mom but this lady wasn't her. Just someone who looked like her. "I'm Kana. Umm listen, I know you probably don't want to hear this but we need to talk." 

"Okay, outside?" I asked her.

 "Yes outside the room. Then the doctors could have more space to try to save him." 

I followed the lady outside the room. She had white hair pulled back in a ponytail, was about the same height as me, and had aqua colored eyes. "We're doing the best we can. But we need you to understand something." My eyes still were wet with old tears and I braced myself now for what she was to say. I already knew it before she had to say it. But her saying it would confirm one of my worst fears. "Even with all that we're doing for him right now, he probably won't survive this. It'll take a huge miracle for him to live." She placed a hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry but there's nothing else we can do for him anymore."

That was my breaking point. I fell down onto the cold, hard hospital floors and wept. No, sobbed. Yes it was sobbing. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. "I'm sorry," the voice said. Kana. She shouldn't need to feel sorry for this. It isn't her fault. But I didn't say anything because it became hard to talk. 

Why did I feel this way? Deep down I knew this would be the outcome. My feeling from within was right. Something was going to happen to Deku. And Kaminari too apparently since they were together. 

Since He's Gone... // Kacchaco // Bakugo x OchacoWhere stories live. Discover now