Chapter 7

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I started at the letter that was meant for me to read. The first words were "Don't tell them what it actually says". After I took it all in I found a lie. "It just says how he wished we could have started over if we had the chance. He knew that there was a chance I was still alive so he wrote the letter."

I flicked it in front of their faces real quick so they couldn't read it. "Can I see bro?"

"No!" I said it too quickly but they didn't catch on. "Anyways, you all can leave now." I gestured towards the door but neither of them left. 

"You alive, Bakugo. Alive. We see you after all these years. Do you know how much we missed you?"

"We were worried everyday, the gang and I. We all felt like it was our fault. If you told us why then we could have helped you. We saw you die but you're here. You put us thorough a hard time. Do you know how hard it was on us!?!?" Kirishima shook me hard until he fell on the ground, sobbing.

I looked up to Ochaco to see tears in her eyes. "We all missed you Bakugo." She smiled lightly before hugging Kirishima. It was then that I realized how much my "death" hurt these people. 

When I was gone I found myself wondering to several places. The weirdest place had the most effect on me. I was in a desert and passed out. These people woke me up by giving me water but there was something in it. Or, something added in it. 

It was due to the person's quirk. I'm not sure what it was but it changed some of my habits.

I didn't know what to do but I found myself kneeling besides both of them. "Alright get up you crybabies." 

"Hey!" Kirishima sounded offended but I heard Uraraka giggle in the back. I know this must have been hard, Deku dying. As long as she smiles and laughs it would all be good. 

We started talking again with them both catching me up on stuff that had happened. A lot. They went on and on and I found my heart softening a little towards the person my old friend had stole from me. A little. Strange how one girl and one boy caused my life to turn upside down. But then again what were the chances of her liking me back when she was clearly in love with that nerd. 

"So, what do ya say Bakugo?"


"About meeting up with out old friends? I know Mina will be excited. Since Kyoka is still helping Denki around due to his injuries she's helping him move around so they'll both come. Hanta lives about 20 miles away but he'll be fast if I call him now. So...?"

"Alright then." I said while throwing my hands up. "I'm bored so I guess."

"Cool! I'll give them a call now."

"Wanna come?" I asked Ochako as she seemed to be the odd one out here.

"Umm if I do I'll have to leave soon to pick up the kids. I'll pick up the Kaminari kids along with Natsu. So then you all could still hang out together."

"Hey why did you name your son after that IcyHot's brother?" She looked back at me when I asked the question.

"Well, a while ago he was held captive. He started crying to his girlfriend and saying he wanted his name to live on. But the reason he was captive was because he saved us and a bunch of people. We owed him a great favor so we took that of what he said and named him after Shoto's brother. Basically because I owe my life to Natsu."

"Oh that makes sense. He still alive?"

"Yeah. He lives with his wife who was his girlfriend at the time."

I heard Kirishima's phone chime as he picked it up. "Alright! Hey the gang all said they could make it. What's your phone number so I can add you?"

"Its (***)***-****."

"Cool. Mines (***)***-**** so you know. Let's go!" Kirishima suddenly got all excited and pulled Round Face and I out the door. 

"Would you stop for a minute, man!? Where the hell are we even going?"

"To the park!"

"You sound like a damn child when you say it like that."

"I mean, he's not wrong," Ochaco replied from the back. Kirishima just laughed at our responses.

We walked over to the park, the three of us. It was windy now outside, more than earlier today. As we got there I saw a familiar looking pink haired sitting on the bench. "Wait here behind this tree."

"Why the fu-"

"Just do it. We're gonna wait for the others. Ochako, watch that side while I watch this side." I saw her nod as they stood on either side of me. Damn, I felt like I was being guarded. 

"Hanta's coming this way."

"Denki and Kyoka on this side." Did they have some kind of secret agreement or something. At the same time they turned and pulled my hoodie over my head and walked me across the street. "Stay here."

We waited and waited until we finished watching them greet each other. "When?"

"Hang on. Almost time."

"What are we waiting for?"

"Look, they all think you're dead remember? This will be a kind of surprise. Hopefully a good one."

"If you had doubts why did you bring me along then?"

"Because they should know."

"But if one-"

"Nope it's gonna be good. I know it. I FEEL IT IN MY BONES!!!!!"

"Guys! It's go time." They pushed me out from my hiding space and we walked again towards the park.

"Hey everyone!"

"Hey Ejirou! Wait-" I saw as they spotted me in my black hoodie. Hope this reaction will e a good one. 

"Ejjirou, who is that? It looks a lot like-" It was Mina I found out. 

"Okay bro. Just do it." At his words I took off my hoodie. I heard gasps all around me as they saw me in person, alive, for the first time since high school.




"KATSUKI!?!!?!?!" They all jumped on me at once, except for Denki who had a crutch but fell anyways to give a hug. 


Done and done! How'd ya like this one?

So, some news. Until somewhere in late April or early May 2021 this story will not get update because school and I'll be working on some of my other fanfictions. Check them out if you would like too! :D

Thank you all you readers and hopefully, when the time comes for the update for Chapter 8 you all would enjoy it. 

Bye for now! Hope you stay safe :D


Since He's Gone... // Kacchaco // Bakugo x OchacoWhere stories live. Discover now