Chapter 2

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It was 7:00 in the morning by the time the next time we woke up. Natsu was sleeping in the bed between me and Deku. The day was about to start as I knew so I had to get out of bed as quietly as I could, trying not to wake Natsu. I crossed over to the side of the bed and kissed Izuku on the forehead.

"Time to wake up, Izuku." He opened his emerald green eyes and looked into mine. He smiled gently, sleep taking over his eyes still.

"Good morning, Ochaco." He carefully got out of bed, knowing that Natsu was there next to him. Swinging his legs over the bed he stood up and headed into the bathroom. I got a soft, comfy blanket and gently put it over Natsu, hoping he could get in a couple more minutes of sleep before we had to leave. Thankfully, he didn't wake up and only stirred when I put it over him.

After Izuku came out of the bathroom, it was my turn. I walked in with a small rag over my shoulder to wash up. When I was washing up there grew a dark feeling in a chest that worried me. I looked out the door to where Natsu and Izuku were, but my eyes stayed on Izuku. The feeling grew as I watched him. It got me worried thinking that the bad feeling inside was meant fir him. Maybe I should ask him to stay home today? I knew better than that though. He had to go to work to train and that was that.

By the time I got done in the bathroom, Deku was already almost all ready for work. He was dressed in his hero costume already and looked was about ready to head out the door. "Do you want me to make breakfast now?" I asked my husband.

"Sure Ochaco! I'll just wake up Natsu and get him ready." I smiled back at him and left the room. I went into the kitchen and started prepping breakfast. Deciding to go a different way with breakfast, I made waffles. It didn't take that long to make so by the time Natsu and Deku came down the stairs I had just finished setting up the table.

Natsu came walking down the stairs in a blue shirt and beige pants. Izuku came with a smile on his face. "I just got a call from the daycare. Yao-Momo and everyone else, including us, all got a 'yes' from the daycare saying that we could start today! I texted in the group chat and they're all starting today! Isn't that great?"

I had expected to be sending Natsu to daycare soon and I almost said no to sending him today, but I knew the day had come. "Yes that's great. Did you tell them yes?" This was it. Now I had to get his backpack ready. Another thing but maybe Deku and Natsu could help me with this special moment.

"Actually, they're on the phone right now but I'll tell them yes." He gave me a small smile. It was like Natsu was growing up so fast. He went back up the stairs and told them yes. 

I turned to Natsu who was busy try to position himself in his chair. "Hey Natsu, guess what."

He looked at me with a smile on his face, knowing that he was ready for waffles. I went around and cut a half a waffle and put it on his plate. "Yeah mommy?"

"You get to go to daycare today and see your friends!" He brighten at that. "Yay!" He pumped his fist into the air.

Deku came out not to longer after he went back up. "All confirmed. You ready Natsu?" He turned to his son. "Yeah I'm ready Dad!"

"Haha okay now. Let's eat and then we can get you ready Natsu." He smiled as I said that. We said thanks and started to eat our waffles. Still, the odd feeling came back around. It was like a dark wave setting over me. No. Nothing would happen. I hope.

After Natsu and Izuku had finished eating breakfast I picked up the plates and washed them. We all went upstairs and found the backpack we would use for Natsu's first day. It was a little yellow backpack with a flap with could be used to close it up. We packed it up and got it ready. 

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