Chapter 8: Part 1

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Hey. So the break took longer than I expected it to be. Mental stuff happened and things along with school,  but that's then and yes, it still bothers me but I'm back happily with writing again.

Also, a warning, this chapter has some mentions of depression and attempted suicide, Please read with caution if needed. Anyways, enjoy this chapter!


"H-how!? How are you here?! How are you alive?!?"

"We saw you die!!?"

"How long-? When-? Where-?"

"Guys, let him get up first," I called from the side but laughing slightly to myself. 

"Ha, thanks for that," Bakugo said to me. They helped him up from the ground and all sat around him. "Ayo, you got married?" He asked Denki and Kyoka.

"Y-yeah," said Kyoka.

"I'm happy though. Say, you should meet our children!" Denki told Bakugo.


"What?! He should meet them! It'd be fun!"

"Yeah I guess so."

"You just afraid that I'd laugh at you like that one time when you were making out behind the locker rooms?" Bakugo asked. Hearing that I saw Denki and Kyoka turn bright red at their past selves.

"YOU KNEW!??!" They both shouted.

"Ha, heck yeah. We all did."

"It was him!" She pointed towards her husband like a child telling on their sibling.

"If it goes according to memory, both of you had equal action in it."

"I'm leaving."

"Hey no stay!" Denki grabbed his wife's hand and kept her sitting down next to him. "We need to hear his story."

"Alright, fine!" When she agreed he planted a kiss on her cheek. 

I noticed that Katsuki kept looking at Denki's crutch but I guess he knew not to ask. If he did then it would bring topic also to Izuku since they were both there. Kyoka had told me that he felt guilty for Izuku death even when she kept telling him it wasn't. But he wouldn't let it rest. Plan was, that after he heals he wanted me, Kyoka, Shoto, Momo, and anyone else to join him in investigation to see who was behind it all. And we all agreed. 

Now after he gets better we will join forces again and investigate even further on information of the criminal. We vowed to avenge Deku apparently.

"So, what happened? After you left?" Mina asked. 

He looked a little into thought before replying. "I went to another part of Japan by foot. Walked all the way. Gave up on being a damn hero unlike all of you. Made my own life, started new."

"Really?! Do you have a girlfriend then? A wife? If you started new you must have!" Mina said.

"No! I don't have a damn wife or a girlfriend!? Why the heck would I?!"

"Oh well then," Mina pouted. For some strange reason she looked up at me. Was she expecting me to ask a question? "Yo, Ochako, why don't you ask some questions now?"

"I-, umm, sure I guess?" I faced towards Katsuki and asked a question that was nagging me in the back of my head for a while. Still, I needed to find the answers because a simple thing wouldn't have this much affect. "Why did you leave and attempted suicide?"

A silence hung over the group that made me uncomfortable. Did I ask something wrong? One look at their faces and I knew something was up. They knew something I didn't. Or, at least, part of something I didn't.

Since He's Gone... // Kacchaco // Bakugo x OchacoWhere stories live. Discover now