Chapter 3

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I got the call from the daycare very early in the morning for Akito. I wasn't even up yet when they called. I was planning to sleep in a little while longer. Just a little longer. I wrapped my arm around the person next to me in bed and pulled closer to her. Just a little longer. That didn't last long though.

"Oi, Denki, are you going to get the phone or are you going to let it keep on ringing 'til our ears bleed?"

"I'll answer it Kyoka." I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and let out a long sigh for having been woken up and for having to let go of my wife.

 I got up and walked over to where the ringing phone was at. It was on the couch we had in our room that was right by the giant glass window and balcony we had. I dragged my feet and dug it out under the pile of clothes Kyoka and I had on the couch and never bothered to pick up from last night. 

"Hello?" I put it on speaker so Kyoka could hear it as well. "Who is it?"

A lady started to speak on the other end almost immediately. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Kaminari. I am from the daycare in which your son, Akito, has been waiting to see of he got in or not."

"Yes...we remember that. What about it?" I turned over to where Kyoka was on our bed, rubbing sleep from her eyes trying to stay up.

"Well, I am the head of that daycare and I wanted to let you know that Akito Kaminari has been accepted. But he would have to start today if he wants to secure his spot."

"Wait. Did you say today? As in today?" This caught Kyoka's attention. "Hang on there lady. Just let me talk it over with my wife."

"Take all the time you need." If only she knew.

I walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge. I muted my side of the call so the lady wouldn't hear our discussion. "Well, what do you think? This, umm-"

She sat up on our bed and placed a hand over my shoulder. "It's sudden. I get it." She let out a gentle sigh and wrapped her arms gently over my neck and chest. She placed her head on my shoulder and whispered, "But they will soon have to see the world. Remember how it was with Raijin? We didn't want him to go even though he needed to and he was so happy."

When Raijin, our oldest son, started school I was a mess. The night before I started crying so much Kyoka had to comfort me. She told me that it would be fine and that he'll be safe.  I didn't want to let Raijin go but I knew he had to. When we picked him up from school that day he was so happy. I couldn't help but to smile. Now I had to believe it would be just the same for Akito as it was with Raijin.

"Yeah you make a point. It's just hard to let them go." She turned my face with her hand towards hers. I felt her bare skin against my body for a moment.

"I'm the mother, Denki. I know how hard it is too. But I think we should agree to let Akito go to daycare. He'll get to see all his friends!"

"You heard something from the rest?"

"Yeah. Yao-Momo sent us all a chat message saying that her daughter got in. She's really smart so she got in first." It was true. Out of all of our old classmates' children, the Todorokis' daughter is by far the smartest.


She nodded her head in response. It was like the kids were all growing up so fast! I just felt that I wasn't ready to let Akito go. With Raijin already in school we only had Akito at home. Now he would be at daycare.

I turned the microphone back on so I could tell the lady on the other end our answer. "Hello?" Was that lady still on the other end?


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