Chapter 5

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It has been a week since Izuku died. I was the one who got everything ready for his funeral. When I went home after Izuku died I went straight to our room. The doctors had told me that before he died he told them to tell me to check a drawer in our room. They said I would know which one it was but I didn't have a clue. 

I started with the drawer on his side of the bed. Luckily that was the drawer that I needed to open. Inside I found papers and more stuff that something told me I needed to read. The drawer was filled with papers, but there was only one that I really needed. Thankfully the paper that I needed was on the top. 

Dear Ochaco,

If  you are reading this that means that I am already dead. I did it this way because the chances of me dying were pretty high. Do not share this letter with anyone else. Because you are one of the only ones who know about One For All.

I knew I was going to die soon so I wrote this letter  to tell you when and where to meet the next successor of One For All. 

She knows that the week after I died to meet on a Tuesday at the cafe down by UA High. This girl is a junior high student with sapphire hair. She's about 4'11 in height. She has bronze colored eyes. She's quirkless, or was, before I passed down One For All to her. Yes, I already did. Recently actually. Tell her everything because she should know. And if you will, I'm asking you along with other too, to help train her. Thank you. 


I stayed with a straight expression as I read the letter. But at least thank goodness Izuku had prepared. If he hadn't then that would've been the end of One For All. 

Silently I breathed a sigh of relief at the thought. I dug through the rest of the letters checking for anything of importance but the letter about One For All was about the only one. There was one with my name on it though, but I chose not to open that one until later.

I sat quietly on the bed not knowing what to do. Deku was gone now. Dead. I couldn't quite get the thought to sink in yet. I turned face down onto my pillow and sobbed. I knew this wouldn't solve anything but I didn't care. I wanted to cry. I felt like I needed to let my feelings out even if it seemed like I already have.


It was already morning when I woke up. I must've fell asleep. The events of the previous day came at me forcing me to remember. I felt a pain in my chest as they hit me. 

I forced myself to stand up and head into the bathroom. I needed to go get Natsu today after he finished daycare for the day. I splashed water in my face as I looked in the mirror. My reflection showed someone with dark circles under her eyes, red all over her face.

I pulled myself together and put some clothes on. Today was grocery shopping day and tomorrow was hero work. I grabbed my money and walked out the door.

The sun shone brightly, blinding me in the process. I wondered how the sun could always smile even when covered by the clouds. 

As I walked down the street I heard gasps and saw people pointing. I knew that the news of the #1 hero's death would be spread fast. That's how it spread when Mirio died, even when All Might died after retirement. Even the news when Endeavor, who people soon grew to love, retired due to injuries people cried. Within 20 years the world lost four #1 heroes. 

Since He's Gone... // Kacchaco // Bakugo x OchacoWhere stories live. Discover now