Chapter 6

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I started back in disbelief of who I was seeing. Katsuki Bakugo. But that was impossible! He was supposed to be dead! His old friends watched him die. 

Our eyes refused to leave each others. I was about to open my mouth when someone tugged on my sleeve. 

"Excuse me? Ms. Uravity?" I turned to see the sapphire haired girl standing behind me. "Hi. I'm Nakano. I suppose you already saw me when you walked in?"

I started at the young girl with sapphire hair. "Umm, yes. We can go to where you were sitting before." I grabbed my coffee from the counter and took one last look at the one who looked so much like Bakugo. He grew so much. Hate to admit it, but he was even more handsome than before. But right now I had to focus. "So, about One For All."


I wouldn't think I'd see anybody I used to know at a cafe I chose at random. What's worse was that it was Pink Cheeks. What's worse was that she was married to Deku. What's worse was the that damn nerd of a number 1 hero he used to be just died. What's worse was that I used to have a crush on her back in high school. It all started during the Sports Festival. 

But he got there first. He would have either way. No matter how much I secretly cared for that girl I couldn't date her. Shouldn't either. But as time went on I started feeling worse and soon lost track of my goal. So I pretended I was dead. 


"Bakubro. Please don't! What about your goal to be the number 1 hero? You can't just give up your life here!! Do you realize-"


"But why?!"

"It's not just that! You'll never understand."

"Please, just let us help you." 

"No. I'll be better this way." I stared into the eyes of Kirishima, Kaminari (Dunce Face), Ashido (Raccoon Eyes), and Sero (Soy Sauce Face) before I took the final step off the cliff. But they thought I had just killed myself. They didn't tell anyone when they got back, only a selected few. Everyone else thought I had just disappeared. 

*end of flashback*

The real reason I came, I thought as I headed back to the hotel I was staying at, was because Deku died. When I was away I guess you could say I "changed" a little. But if I couldn't say goodbye to that damn nerd while he was alive I guess I could do it at the funeral. Only a selected few got in so I hoped I could make it. 

I finished my coffee and dumped the cup into a nearby trash can. Then I walked back to where the hotel I was staying at was. Nothing big or special. Normal I guess you could say. One bed, one bath, a small window, the normal.

When I walked inside I laid down on my bed. Then I started to think. My parents actually had a daughter when I was in my 2nd year. After I disappeared all the money I would have inherited goes to her. 

Now I realize I haven't seen them since I was in my 2nd year. I probably won't even know my sister when I see her, or if I ever see her again. I only knew her for about not even a year and then I left. I'm not sure I'll ever make contact with those old people again. 

I turned over on my bed and started to fall asleep until I heard a loud knocking on my door. Almost pounding. "Oi. What the heck do you want?" Then I saw who it was. Great timing.


We went to go sit at the back table. There was really no one near until more people started to come. That's when we decided it was time to go. 

"Come to this address tomorrow, same time. It'll be quieter there," said Nakano as she handed me a piece of paper. 

"Sure. Pay attention in school," I yelled back at her as she ran to school. I put the paper in my pocket then started running. What drove me to run will forever remain a question. But as I ran I met someone who I didn't expect. 

"Ow. Sorry." I rubbed my head as I smacked into someone.

"O-ochaco? Is that you?" Someone who knew me? The real me? I looked up and saw a red headed person.

"Kirishima!" I jumped up and hugged him. I swear this was too much for my heart. First Izuku dies, then the person who looks like Bakugo shows up when he disappeared or might've died, then Kirishima comes along. "I haven't seen you in months!"

"Same here little Uravity." He looked uneasy for a moment. "Umm, first I'm sorry about Midoriya." I could have swore I saw I tear in his eye. No one expected him to die this early though. I hugged my old classmate trying to help him. After a while he spoke again. Turns out he did cry because his face was red and my hair was wet. "Umm, did you happen to see, umm, someone who looked like Bakugo?"

"Yes I did. I saw the same person at the cafe. It is Bakugo though." His face brighten up. 

"I think I know where he might be staying. Follow me." I followed him and on the way he told me all that had happened with Bakugo in the past.

"Wait wait wait. You're telling me he said he didn't care about his goal? What drove him that way?" 

"Not sure." He stopped in front of a hotel. "This should be it." We walked inside and Kirishima asked the front person.

"Excuse me, sir. Is there a Katsuki Bakugo here?" Then I thought. What if he changed his name. Damn I didn't think of that.

"Yes there is." Thank goodness. I looked at the man who had a smile on his face. "Red Riot and Uravity." We smiled back until he asked for autographs which he gave us. After that he did a screening on us to make sure we weren't villains in disguise. We passed. 

The man led us to the second floor until he stopped in front of a certain door. "This is it."

"Thanks, sir!" Kirishima knocked on Bakugo's door and we waited for an answer. 

"Oi. What the heck do you want." We heard Bakugo yell before he opened the door. But when he did his looked frozen. "I-"

"Bakubro! It's us! Ochaco and-"

"I know pretty well the hell who you are," he grumbled. "Why and how did you find me? Why are you here?" We walked in without being told to. We both sat on his bed while he sat in a chair he pulled. 

"YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!!!" Kirishima yelled. "But why appear now?"

"It's because," he paused before looking at me, "Deku died."

"Oh." I didn't realize I said that until later. For a while we just sat in silence. Then I remembered something I kept in my pocket. 

The day I found the letters I stuffed them all into my pockets after I saw who they were for. The only one I kept out was the one addressed to me while the rest I put in my pocket. But when I found one for Bakugo I didn't think I would ever see him again but I put in with the rest anyways. 

I pulled out the letter for him and handed it to him. He reached out and his hand slightly brushed mine, making a strange blush rise in my cheeks. I have no idea why though so I just pretended that didn't happen.

"What's this Pink Cheeks?" Hearing him say my nickname brought me back to high school for a while. 

"A letter. Deku wrote them before he died because he had a feeling his time would be soon. This one was addressed to you." Kirishima looked at the letter in his friend's hand.

Slowly, he opened it and read it. "Oh," was all he said.  He closed it up but looked sad but slightly red.

"What did it say Bakubro?"


Since He's Gone... // Kacchaco // Bakugo x OchacoWhere stories live. Discover now