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God, I hate LAX.

I thought being here with a celebrity would make it better but I was very, very wrong. Not only am I surrounded by large security guards. but there are people EVERYWHERE. and they are all trying to take pictures. I should have prepared better for pictures. I should have been chic.

Oh well, too late now.

I'm not really sure how I got put in the front of this little pack but I'm trying my best to look cool and calm as we make our way through the airport. We got through security fine, H took a few photos with fans, and then we moved on to get coffee before we found our gate.

We sat in a secluded area to drink our coffee so only two fans spotted us. They were very nice and they both cried when he hugged them, it warmed my heart and made my eyes water a bit too. I know exactly how they feel right now and it's a nice reminder of just how crazy my new life is.

I'm currently trying not to trip while I read the gate numbers as we walk through the terminals. Harry is trailing somewhere behind me, and Jordan, my current security buddy, is just a step in front of me, flanked by another beside me and Greg in the back, behind Harry.

"OH MY GOD, THAT'S HARRY'S GIRLFRIEND!" I hear the shrill voice scream before I feel her grab my arm, pulling me off balance. Within a second there is a crowd of people all yelling,


"It's Harry Styles!"


I get lost in the crowd for only a moment before Jordan pulls me out. When I'm safely behind him again I finally hear Harry.





"Thank you"

"Hi, thank you!"

"Yea, got time for a quick one"

"Hi, I love you too."

As he turns away his eyes frantically search for mine until they meet over Jordan's shoulder. He huffs a breath of relief before reaching out and squeezing my hand at lighting speed. He gives me his elbow and I hold onto his arm as we make our way to our gate in our usual stance.

Security tightened around us as we made our way to our gate and we entered our own little area. Most all of our baggage was checked but we each had a small bag with us of just the essentials that we tucked next to us as we sat down in the small airport seats that face the large windows showing the tarmac.

"Whew, that was a lot. Wow."

Harry gives me a tired smile and squeezes my knee before he replies, "You okay? I know it's a lot. They mean well, but they can be intense."

I give him a quick nod before I hook my fingers with his for a squeeze. "I'm okay, they just caught me off guard. I'll be more prepared at the next airport, I promise."

"You did great. I'll make sure I don't leave you at the next one, keep ya glued to me so you don't get pulled away again." He laughs softly and pulls out his phone, popping one airpod into his ear and leaning his elbows onto his knees to work on his phone.

I settle back into my chair and pull the worn book from the front pocket of my bag. We have about a half-hour before we board so we sit quietly and try not to draw attention to ourselves.

I can still feel people watching us though. I know there will be pictures all over Twitter, but I'm prepared for it. I know there will be a crazy amount of speculation once it gets out that we are flying to London. The fans will assume he's taking me home to meet his family, which is exactly what I would speculate too so I'm not mad about it. I just know it will lead to a lot of hate so I'll avoid my social media accounts for a few days.

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