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"Harry over here!"

"Mr. Styles!"

"Harry look here!"


"Over here!"

"Who's the girl!?"

"Get in there sweetheart!"

"Harry! Here, Harry!"

"Is that Jo?"

"Jo! Look here!"

"Harry! Jo!"

I can't see anything. The flash from the cameras is truly blinding, thank god we aren't moving but a few steps every couple of minutes.

I'm not even supposed to be on this side! No one is supposed to care about taking my picture like HELLO do you see the man standing next to me!?

I mean do I look hot as fuck? Yes. But, I'm not the one we should be focusing on tonight. Also, I'm pretty sure that if any of them ask me a question, "I KISSED HARRY STYLES" is going to come flying out of my mouth.

Damn, I want to kiss him again.

"This way, careful." Harry's hand that rests on my waist pulls me toward him as he takes a few steps farther down the carpet. My brain snaps back to reality just in time to make sure I don't eat shit in front of all these cameras.

This dress is stunning but damn is it heavy.

We shuffle small steps farther down the carpet and Jeffrey flags down Harry's attention by pointing out a reporter for some network little ways down the carpet. Harry nods subtly and keeps a smile on his face for the cameras while helping me stay upright while we move.

"Harry! Oh my god, look at you!!" A vibrant woman in a stunning yellow dress captures Harry's attention with a microphone shoved in his direction. I gently grip the fingers that hold me to him and pry them off of me so that I can avoid this entire situation while he talks to the reporter.

He flicks me a small smirk while I pull away from him and then he gathers his hands in front of himself, holding his clutch while he approaches the cameraman and the loud woman.

I really didn't think this through very well though, because now I'm left standing on this carpet alone. Well, I guess I'm not alone, this thing is SWARMING with photographers and celebrities, so yay for the company while I stand here looking like an idiot.

"Jo!!!" A loud voice is shouting at me, giving me just enough warning time to brace myself before a beautiful brunette slams into me for a hug.

"Holy fuck, you look incredible! Are you here with Harry!? Are you here together!? Is it finally happening? God, tell me it's finally happening.PLEASE."

"Well hi Kacey, it's good to see you too. Uhm, firstly thank you, I've never worn something this extra in my whole life and I feel like a walking disco ball, so the vote of confidence is appreciated. Uhhhh, as for the other thing...yes I am here with him as his friend and makeup artist and that is all I know."

I hug her again, pulling her in tightly so I can shove my face near her ear, "Also we may or may not have kissed in the hotel room before we came here which I definitely shouldn't be telling you but if I don't someone I'm going to literally explode so..."

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