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don't forget to read the authors note at the bottom💖

It's warm in here. It's hazy with sweat and hot breath. It smells like cologne and cigar smoke. The music is loud and my ears bounce a bit to the familiar rhythms that I haven't heard in so long. It's been months since we came here to dance and I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it. I love to dance.  

Even at 75% capacity there are a ton of people in here, all with drinks in hand and masks in bags. We find a table easily and the seven of of us slide in kind of awkwardly.

Santana hasn't really talked to me, I just keep feeling his eyes on me and choosing to avoid them. He was the first person who introduced us to this place, he also loved to dance and he was so excited to show us this club that his friend's cousin owns.

I think that guys name was Dominic? I don't know, honestly I was already drunk when he introduced us.

Speaking of drunk, I'm gonna need to get there real quick to make it past the awkward part of this evening.

Frankie and Tommy are having a hushed disagreement in the corner over god only knows what, Nicki and Pete are browsing the menu in front of them and Santana and his date Ashley are also looking a menu.

Well Ashley is looking at the menu.

Santana is looking at me.

I am looking for a fucking waiter.

Finally I catch the attention of a stunning young woman and she quickly makes her way over to us to get started on our drink order. I set the tone for the evening by ordering myself two tequila shots and margarita on the rocks....make it a double.

Santana's eyes go wide and he quickly looks to Frankie who is smiling like the Cheshire Cat and nodding his head at me in encouragement. Santana then flicks his face to Nicki who looks completely unbothered by my order and then finally he looks to me.

This time I let him have my eyes as I raise him an accusing eyebrow, "You okay?" I ask before he quickly averts his eyes and looks down at his menu once again.

About 40 minutes later my drinks have hit me and I'm feeling very, very good. I think it's time to dance. I don't want to dance alone though, so do I pull Frankie out with me and let Tommy pout or do I pull Nicki and listen to her pout?

Hmmmmm...Nicki it is.

I gracefully get myself off the stool and slip the leather blazer off my body. I feel Santana's eyes on my skin but I also feel the eyes of others and that means tonight has potential.

I tap Nicki's arm a couple times but she ignores me while she continues her conversation with Pete. I think it's rather rude to ignore your friend so I tap her a bit harder and say her name a few times just in case she's like numb or something.

"What Jo?" She whips her beautiful curly hair in my face and gives me a look that I don't like.

"Jesus, I just wanted you to come dance with me."

She looks unbothered as per usual,"I don't wanna dance, go find somebody else."  I plead with her for a few more minutes until we both start getting pissy and then I shift my focus to Frankie.

Frankie's face is currently occupied by Tommy's face so I guess that's out. I don't know where Santana and Ashley went but who cares, I can't dance with them anyways...

Fine. I'll dance by my fuckin self I guess.

I make my way to the dance floor and wiggle myself into the big group all squished together in the middle.

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