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I opened that studio door to absolute and utter chaos...and I smiled.

My ears instantly perk at the sound of a bellowing laugh to my right, turning my head to find none other than my beautiful Antonio.

Tony is my mentor of sorts, I assist for him whenever I can and he gives me life advice while fueling my smoothie addiction.

"Dollface! Get your ass in here, I need your hands." He shouts with a smile as soon as his eyes meet mine.

I shimmy my way around some dancers that are covered in white powder, ghosts is my guess, and set my case at the front of the room before I make my way to Tony's side.

It smells like sweat, makeup, and some form of essential oil in this room. Does someone have a diffuser going? Seriously?

My theory is debunked when Tony whips his thick braid of hair my direction and I'm slapped in the face with a wave tea tree oil and mint.

That man rubs more potions into his hair than anyone I've met and he swears it's the secret to his beauty.

Maybe I should invest in some and I'll magically grow luscious, thick hair and develop a beautiful olive skin tone over night. Then I'll be as beautiful as Tony and I'll never have to worry about a man falling out of love with me again.

I chuckle quietly under my breath before giving my full attention to watching Antonio create a masterpiece on this face.

He blends vibrant reds into rich fuchsia shades and then cuts them with a creamy green, flicking the ends in feather like strokes to create small thorns. He's turning her into a flower.

I'm awe-struck watching him work. Handing him brushes and sponges like a robot while staring at the visual he's creating before my eyes.

My subconscious hears his rambling about a garden scene and Katy Perry performing one of her new singles, but my attention is solely focused on the human canvas in front of me.

My day dreaming is rudely interrupted by a frantic assistant, shouting." Some of the male performers don't have any makeup on and we need to start filming them in two hours! HOURS TONY!"

Antonio doesn't even take his eyes off his work when we speaks slowly, "Do they need dramatic, specialized looks or just the television regular?"

"Just regular I suppose, unless any of them have requests." The assistant snips back.

Antonio nods his head and lifts his eyes from his canvas to survey the room quickly. "Jo can do it. " he says. My eyes go wide as he turns to me "You've got your kit right? You can handle it."

Respond. Nod your head or something, PLEASE.

I think my head is nodding? It must be, because Tony takes his brushes back to put them on the stand and kisses my cheek as he says "Hurry back to me, dollface. You've got this."

I try to swallow and I swear to god my saliva is as thick as 3 day old oatmeal.

Okay first, gross. Second, stop panicking.

It takes me less than a second to snap out of it, connect my brain to my body again, and I'm on the move.

I'm thanking all my lucky stars that I took the time to change into some black leggings and a my lucky shirt before I left the house, I could never move this fast in skinny jeans.

The lucky shirt is very real and very powerful.

My grandfather passed it on to me before he died, and I will continue reaping the benefits of its good fortune until I run out of luck.

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