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"Nicki, you home!?" I heave myself through the front door. My feet are killing me from the cute black booties I decided to wear today, my bra is fucking uncomfortable, and I'm pretty sure my period is starting tomorrow. It was a shit day at work too, which was just the cherry on top.

I unzip the booties first, flinging them across the room to get them as far away from me as possible, hoping they don't break anything on their journey. I hang my purse on the hook aggressively and listen for a response from Nicki.

I don't hear anything so I just continue my tantrum, ripping the black sweater dress off my body and throwing it on my bed while I rummage through my dresser for something comfortable to wear.

A matching set of leggings and a sports bra catch my eye and I have the sudden urge to burn off some of this negative energy. I slide the leggings over my legs and practically rip the uncomfortable bra off my body, replacing it with the soft, supportive material of the sports bra. I forgot how much I loved this set, the dark olive green color looks good with my hair and I love how high up the leggings go, keeping my soft tummy nicely supported and giving my non-existent ass a great lift.  

I slide my feet into a pair of socks and decide to throw my hair in a ponytail. "Hey Siri, call H," I call out while flinging my head upside down to gather my hair up.

The phone rings for a little while before my favorite deep accent pours through the speaker. " Hello, darling, are you okay?"

His answer seems a little odd so I respond quickly, " Hi, yea I'm fine, H, why?"

I roll my eyes when I hear his answer, "Can I call you back in a few minutes? I'm just finishing a meeting."

Jesus Christ, why is he answering my call in the middle of a meeting!?

"Oh my god..yeah it's nothing, finish your meeting. love ya, bye!" I hear the faintest start of a laugh before I hang up the phone.

I decide to call Frankie next, putting it on speaker while I wash the makeup off my face in our bathroom. "Hi, sunshine, what's up?"

Our conversation is quick, he agreed to on a quick hike with me before it gets dark so I can shake this bad mood that's following me in today.

I threw my Nike's on and grabbed an old flannel from my closet.

I'm pretty sure it used to belong to Marcus but oh well, it's mine now.

I tossed that on, letting it slump off one of my shoulders, grabbed a pair of sunglasses to fight the bright afternoon rays, and filled my tpwk water bottle before I headed out the door.

Now I'm just sitting in the car, waiting for Frankie to get his slow ass downstairs. I decided on my Billie Eilish playlist when I got in my car and it was the right choice. Her voice and the incredible melodies in her music never fail to calm me down for a few minutes.

The beautiful calm is broken though when the passenger door to my car flies open and my phone starts ringing at the same time. I close my eyes and take a deep breath through my nose.

God ,give me the strength to not bite someone's fucking head off today.

I glare at Frankie and dart a quick "shut up" his direction as I answer the call using my steering wheel.

"Hello?" It comes out harsher than I intended.

"Hi darling, how are you?" I feel my body relax and watch Frankie's go rigid at the same time. His eyes go wide and his head flips in my direction, still not used to hearing Harry on my phone.

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