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I feel good today. That's surprising. I haven't felt good after a one night stand in well over a year.

Typically I wake up feeling dirty and ashamed and sad that no one loves me, but today I don't feel that way at all. I'm relaxed cause I had great sex, I don't feel guilty about having great sex, and I get to hang out with Harry so really this day is just pretty excellent all around.

My Uber dropped me off about an hour ago so I've had time to shower and drink some water which I desperately needed. I've also managed to eat some toast and look presentable for the day!

I felt like prints today so I paired a floral patterned skirt with a chunky cream and black striped sweater. The skirt was my mother's back when she was in her 20's and I don't wear it often, but it felt right today.

I blow-dried my hair straight and left it at that, put on some light makeup just to make me look alive today, and then slipped on my checkered vans.

Three knocks on the door made me jump when as I took a drink of water, and I spilled down the front of me, of course.

"Shit!" I whispered while I tried to dry it by rubbing my hand over it quickly as I walked to the door. I opened it without looking and just turned around to grab a towel to dry me off.

"Hey H, sorry I spilled fucking water on myself just give me a sec and I'll be ready." I grabbed the hand towel from our stove and rub the front of my sweater.

"Who's H?"

My stomach drops into my ass when I hear his voice, that is definitely not Harry. I turned around so fast it made my head spin, "What are you doing here!? You need to go."

He isn't close to me but I step farther away from him anyway, hitting the counter behind me.

"I just wanna talk Jo, I miss you and I hate that we're fighting. I know I've been a fucking prick but I promise I've changed. I just want to be friends again! We used to be close, I miss tha-"


He's been walking closer to me and I've backed along this counter as far as I can go, I'm against the wall now.

I know there are tears in my eyes and I let out the biggest sigh of relief when I hear Harry's voice cut him off.

Santana doesn't look pleased though. He whips his head around quickly to see who dared to interrupt his intimidating plea for forgiveness.

Harry just pushed the door open, apparently Santana didn't close it all the way. He walks into the kitchen with a strange look on his face, his eyes immediately meeting mine. He must see the tears and the distressed look on my face because his usual happy demeanor wipes from his face instantly. "Why don't you back up a bit, yea?"

Harry places his hand on Santana's shoulder and Santana throws it off instantly, standing taller and whipping around to get in Harry's face. "Who the fuck are you?"

His voice is deep and scary calm. I know how short his fuse is and if he does anything to Harry it will be a literal fucking lawsuit so I make a quick decision to try to diffuse this situation.

I sniffle once and swallow down the fear and then walk up to him, running my hand down his shoulder and holding his arm. "Santy that's just my friend. Come on get out of his face, it's okay. We can finish this talk later okay?"

He looks at me when I touch him but immediately focuses his eyes back on Harry, not moving a muscle. I watch him stare at him for a long time and then I see a flicker of realization hit him as he looks to the spot on the wall where the poster of Harry used to hang.

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